Chapter 7

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"What are you even eating?" Taiya asked.

Tyler had promised them they'd get to spend the mornings together after the tributes had gone off to training. But so far all Finnick had done was stuff his face with food.

"Sugar," he mumbled with his mouth full. "Want some?" he offered, holding out the bowl of sugar cubes for her.

"I'm pretty sure those are to go in the coffee," Taiya rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but they're nice."

"That's not even a proper breakfast Finnick."

"And an apple is?" he challenged.

"Yeah. It's fruit. It's better than sugar cubes."

"I'm happy with the sugar cubes," he shrugged and Taiya let out a loud sigh.

"I can't tell whether you two are arguing or flirting," Tyler muttered, as he drank his coffee.

"Arguing," Taiya answered.

"Flirting," Finnick said at the same time.

Taiya turned to look at Finnick inquisitively. "You think this is flirting?" she asked, and he nodded. "Oh boy," Taiya groaned. "Actually that explains a lot," she noted before she looked down at the sugar bowl. "Just remember with a sugar high, comes a sugar crash."

"We should probably go Finnick," Tyler spoke up. "Make a plan for the tributes."

"No," Finnick shook his head in a panic. "You said we can have the mornings together," he said as he reached over and grabbed Taiya's hand. "Please Tyler, come on man."

"It's only for a week while the tributes are in the apartment," Tyler tried to comfort them. "After that, you guys can hang around here together without being worried about being spotted and the secret getting out."

"Moxie," Taiya disputed as she ate her apple. "She comes in here all the time. She could still see. And trust me, if Moxie knows, everyone knows."

"Well then don't get caught by Moxie," Tyler suggested sarcastically, making Taiya glare at him.

"Helpful," she snarked back at him.

"Truce?" Finnick interrupted the two, holding the sugar cube bowl up for Taiya.

"You're a child," Taiya laughed.

"You both are," Tyler disputed. "Fine, you two stay here and enjoy the morning," he relented. "Finnick, I want you in the mentor room at 12pm, Taiya, you're having lunch with Crane and his brother, don't be late. Either of you," he warned before he left the apartment.

"I swear that guy's patience decreases every day," Finnick sighed, making Taiya laugh.

"I'll agree with that," she nodded.

"How did you get home last night?" Finnick asked awkwardly.

"Seneca walked me back," Taiya answered quietly. "How about you? I didn't hear you come home."

"I didn't get back until late," he muttered. "I would've come to see you but I didn't want to wake you."

"That's ok," Taiya sighed before she turned in her chair and grabbed the sides of his face, touching their foreheads together. "I love you."

Finnick nodded, as he raised his face to kiss her forehead. "I love you too."

Taiya smiled as she looked at him before pulling him in for a hug.

"I found out something interesting last night."

"What do you mean?" Taiya asked as she released her hold on him, allowing him to move back slightly.

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