Chapter 12

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"Peeta of bread. The boy with bread. Do you accept my humble gift?" Taiya bowed down in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing," Johanna deadpanned as she watched Taiya.

"Shh, you're going to ruin it."

"Ruin what?" Johanna snarked. "You look like a fool."

"I'm presenting my best bread boy with a gift Tanbark! Now hush," Taiya stood up.

"Where's my gift?"

"You said you didn't want a gift!"

"I said I didn't want a tree made out of straw," Johanna pointed out.

"It was meant to be symbolic and amusing," Taiya smirked.

"Again with the tree jokes though? Really? Aren't they getting a little old?" Johanna glared.

"Guys!" Peeta interrupted. It was strange at first, but he was used to their bickering. It took a couple of visits to work out that the two of them were never actually arguing. It was just that they both wanted the last word and they'd just spout nonsense until someone ended it. Sometimes that wouldn't happen until Finnick came to get Taiya. Finnick knew how to handle the two girls like a pro. It was similar to how one would get toddlers to behave, Finnick had whispered to Peeta one time as he left with Taiya.

Peeta had learnt by now that he had the power to end the bickering himself.

And so he did. Both girls turned to him with a smile.

"Do you like the parrot I made?" Taiya waved the straw bird she'd made for him in the air.

"It's so cool," he nodded appreciatively, taking the gift from her. "It can sit on my shoulder," he perched it on his shoulder.

"Lame," Johanna hid her insult behind a cough.

"Do you want a bird too Jo?"

"Yes. Yes, I would," Johanna grumbled begrudgingly.

"Done," Taiya winked, making Johanna regret saying yes.

"Miss Ambersnow," a nurse knocked on the door and stuck her head in.

"Argh!" Taiya loudly groaned as she turned to look at the woman.

She kept her distance. The only ones on the medical staff brave enough to go near Taiya were the Everdeen's.

"It's time for your therapy session."

"Can't you see we're still playing?" Taiya sulked.

"Taiya," Johanna shoved her friend off of Peeta's bed. "Go. If you don't go they won't let you come hang."

Taiya rolled her eyes but began to walk out of the room, dramatically dragging her feet as she left. Everyone just ignored her.


Mrs Everdeen sat opposite Taiya, a warm yet discerning gaze fixed upon her face.

"How have you been this past week, Taiya?" Mrs Everdeen inquired gently.

"Same old, same old," Taiya waved her hand in the air, shooting Mrs Everdeen a wide false grin.

Mrs Everdeen recognised the evasion tactic. Taiya tried it every session.

"I'm here to help you, Taiya. But this only works if you're open with me. I'd really like to understand how you're feeling."

Taiya fidgeted in her seat uncomfortably, tugging on the rope holding her braid in place, Finnick hadn't had a chance to steal it yet that day. "I'm groovy. Your hair looks banging today by the way!" she complimented, hoping to waste as much time as possible.

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