Chapter 7

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"No!" Johanna cackled as Taiya slapped her hands.

"You suck at slaps," Taiya teased as she brought her hands down against Johanna's again. They were playing the hand game to pass the time while they waited for Haymitch to show up. There was a whole bunch of tributes and mentors gathered on the roof that night. They'd all had chairs set out and everyone appeared to have arrived except the man who called the meeting. The notable absentees were the careers from 1 and 2. They hadn't been invited. It was Districts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 11. No 12, which was strange given Haymitch had called the meeting.

"You're cheating."

"I don't think you can cheat at slaps Jo. You're just too slow," Taiya laughed as she slapped Johanna's hands again.

"Swap," Johanna growled, moving her hands on top of Taiya's. She slapped hers down but Taiya was too quick and moved them out of the way.

"Haha! Sucker!" Taiya poked her tongue out.

"Alright," Haymitch called out as he burst onto the roof.

"What are we doing here Haymitch?" Tyler asked.

"Now I need you all to keep an open mind," he cautioned, raising his hands in the air. "But trust me, he's on our side."

Plutarch Heavensbee then stepped out onto the roof and the atmosphere on the roof changed. Everyone tensed up and the fun left the air.

Everyone started whispering amongst themselves. Some even stood up to leave. But Taiya was worried. Plutarch was aware of the offer Snow had made her. And now he was hanging out with Haymitch, which meant there was a chance Haymitch knew she had plans to target his tributes.

"Alright, everybody just relax. Calm down," Haymitch tried to settle them all down.

"I understand that you may not be my biggest fans right now," Plutarch diplomatically spoke. "But I'm here to offer you a deal that could work in your best interest. All of your best interests," he said, casting a quick glance at Taiya.

Plutarch had successfully commanded the attention of the tributes and the few mentors who had been invited, but Haymitch wanted to further entice them. "There's a way to end this with as little bloodshed as possible. We're only asking for a small amount of your time, and your discretion."

There were a few mumbles of agreement and everyone sat facing the unlikely pair, ready to hear their proposition.

"Thank you," Plutarch smiled. "Things have changed. I know everyone's felt it. The Capitol fears it. Rebellion. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have started something. People are finally rising up. I'm allowing you to join the right side of history."

"Seriously?" Taiya interjected. "Katniss and Peeta are the reason we're here right? The reason we were reaped again. Two new victors step out of line. Send a message, put all the victors back in the Games."

"President Snow is floundering," Plutarch reasoned. "You know that better than anyone. Katniss and Peeta are the faces of the most recent movement."

"Cut to the chase," Johanna spoke up. "What do you want?"

"It's simple," Haymitch stepped forward. "We need you all to keep Katniss and Peeta alive in the arena."

That's when everyone started yelling.

"Alright, alright," Haymitch tried to calm them down to no avail.

"Shut it!" Tyler yelled, overpowering everyone's voices. "You care to explain Haymitch?" he asked angrily.

"You want us to be cannon fodder for your kids?" Taiya snapped.

"Tay," Tyler warned. "Let's hear him out first."

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