Chapter 6

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"TAIYA!" they heard Tyler yell from the next room.

Gloss and Taiya were chilling in Gloss' apartment playing a violent game of slaps while Finnick sat in the corner staring into space. All three of them sat up straight at the yell and looked at each other wide-eyed.

"What did you do?" Finnick immediately asked.

"Nothing," Taiya shrugged.

"AMBERSNOW!" Tyler barged into the room. "Are you serious?"

"What?" she asked, glancing at Gloss with confusion.

"This is my third tube of toothpaste this week," he held up the empty tube. "They said this is the last one they'd issue me and it's gone already. And you know Buck won't let me use his."

"And you think your lack of toothpaste moderation is my fault?"

Tyler merely put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot against the floor. "Who else would do it?"

"I don't know man," she shrugged. "Maybe you like to brush your teeth in your sleep? I don't know. But I didn't do it. Did you?" she asked Gloss.

"No, I haven't done anything since you told us they'd be checking the cameras since Beetee left with Gale to join Katniss," Gloss shook his head.

Tyler looked between them. They both seemed to be genuine, but he looked over at Finnick for confirmation.

The boy was like a deer in the headlights, but he shook his head. He hadn't seen Taiya do anything.

"Maybe Buck did it?" Taiya suggested. "You want to hang out with us?" she offered.

"I have a meeting in command soon so I can't," he sighed. "I'm just going to steal some of Buck's toothpaste. What can he do anyway," he muttered as he left the room.

"Did you do that?" Finnick had to ask.

"Oh absolutely," Taiya nodded.

"You're making him think he's insane. You know that right?"

"Yes I do," Taiya smirked. That was exactly hers and Gloss' plan. Tyler was on the verge of self-imploding. "He tripped me in the cafeteria the other day remember? I need my revenge. OW!" she yelled as Gloss smashed his hands down on hers. "What the hell Gloss!" she snapped, leaning forward and shoving his forehead back.

"Not my fault you were distracted," he reached forward to shove her head in retaliation.

Taiya stared at him with a look of outrage before aggressively pushing his shoulders. He didn't move too much.

"You can't take me on Ambersnow, your muscles atrophied in captivity," he taunted.

"You jerk," she tried to shove him again.

Finnick was just ignoring them. He'd interfered in an argument earlier and they'd both turned against him for ruining their fun.

"You're making a dangerous enemy Gloss," she warned.

"I'm not afraid of you," he scoffed.

"Whatever you say... lip Gloss," she teased.

"What did you call me?" he froze.

"Lip Gloss," she crossed her arms. He hated nicknames, but she loved them.

"I'm going to give you one chance to take that back and never call me that again," he offered.

"Nope," she shook her head.

"Right then," he nodded before he leapt off the bed and grabbed her legs, lifting her up so she was hanging upside down.

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