Chapter 14

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Taiya stood quietly whilst her prep team walked around her, studying every inch of her body.

"She is very pretty," Pippa noted.

"Work still needs to be done," Phoenix shook his head. Taiya immediately glared at him, but he ignored her. "You wax her, I'll deal with her hair," he said.

"What's wrong with my hair?" Taiya exclaimed.

"Sweetie!" Phoenix gasped. "The sun and saltwater bleaching is a mess, so uneven. We'll fix it up for you, give you a nice glow. We'll need to make you perfectly pretty before we let you see Tigris," he giggled.


"Your stylist. She's absolutely wonderful. Although it'll probably be her last year," he mumbled under his breath. "Let's get to work."


2 hours later Taiya looked in the mirror and was stunned. She didn't have any hair below her eyebrows and her hair was a much more uniform blonde colour. Her entire body had been scrubbed raw and covered in luxurious creams and oils.

"My masterpiece!" Phoenix cried as he clapped his hands. "You did well my girl," he smiled as he grabbed her shoulders. "Pippa, go get Tigris. She's ready."

Phoenix fluffed Taiya's hair one last time before turning to leave the room. "Thank you for your help," Taiya called after him. She wanted to impress him, if he talked about her favourably it would certainly help her popularity with the citizens. As soon as he left the room, Taiya snatched up the robe they left lying on the bench and tied it up around her.

The door suddenly opened and a horrifying looking lady walked in. Her face and neck were covered in tiger stripe tattoos, she'd had her nose surgically flattened and had large whiskers sprouting out of her face. She embodied the name Tigris perfectly. As soon as Taiya saw her, she gasped.

Tigris slinked into the room gracefully, barely making a sound. She came to a stop in front of Taiya and purred, making Taiya's eyes widen. "I'm Taiya," she stuttered.

"Tigris," she hissed back.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Cat's hate water. Did you know that?" Tigris asked.

"Um... yes."

"I hate styling District 4. But I'm no longer good enough for District 1 or 2," she said in a gravelly voice.

"I'm sorry," Taiya frowned, not sure what she was meant to say. She didn't seem like a friendly lady.

"We'll make do," she smiled. "Follow me," she beckoned, calling Taiya through a door and into a room with a window overlooking the city. "Have lunch first and then we'll talk," she said gesturing to the table that had a couple of sandwich's laid out. Opposite the sandwiches was raw meat that Tigris pulled towards her. Taiya watched in astonishment, unable to comprehend the astounding way of life for Capitol citizens.



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