Chapter 12

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"I bet you could pull this off," Finnick smirked as he pulled a multi-coloured trench coat off the rack.

"Oh my god!" Taiya laughed as she looked at it. "Come on. Be serious. We're shopping for Tyler."

"I don't know why," Finnick sighed as he put the coat back. "He didn't get me anything for my birthday."

"He did!" Taiya smiled before laughing. "You just don't remember because you drank it all in one night." Finnick just waved a hand in the air dismissively, not wanting to admit to it. "Maybe he could get into scrapbooking," Taiya mused as she picked up a scrapbook.

"Yeah, I don't think that will happen," Finnick smirked as he took the scrapbook out of her hands and put it back. "Come on, if you want to shop for Tyler, let's go to a shop he'd actually like. This is just a store for you."

"You always spoil my fun," she sighed as she took his hand, quickly kissed him and then pulled him to leave the shop.

As they were about to exit, the door to the shop opened and in stepped her uncle and aunt, Shark's parents. She instantly tensed.

"Hi," she greeted quietly.

Her uncle merely stared at her with disdain. "Taiya," he greeted before quickly nodding at Finnick before pulling his wife away.

"Come on," Finnick muttered to her before leading her out of the store. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said harshly before scoffing. "I guess resentfulness is in the Kelpin blood. He and my mom are exactly the same."

"I don't think..."

"I mean seriously. What does it prove? Him being angry at us? We're not the ones he should be angry about. There's only one person he should be angry at and that's...."

She was cut off by Finnick, who quickly kissed her, holding her head in place so she couldn't move.

Slowly he pulled away and leant towards her ear. "Shh. There are ears everywhere," he warned.

How could she have been so stupid? She only had to dart her eyes to the side and she saw two Peacekeepers doing their rounds through the town. Taiya stiffened. That was foolish of her. She shouldn't have been talking so rebelliously out in public. It was one thing to discuss in the safety of their own home, but out in public like this? When she knew Peacekeepers marched through the village, that was reckless. They turned a blind eye to hers and Finnick's obvious relationship, but to rebellious talk like that? Not a chance"

Sorry. I didn't think," she apologised.

"It's ok," he smiled. "I've got you. I've always got you."

"Don't be flirty," she laughed as she bumped his side. "Alright, so seriously. What are we thinking? A new fishing rod? A cool fishing hat?"

"I'm thinking we get him a new punching bag," Finnick smirked as he grabbed her other hand and yanked her into the fitness store.

"What?" she asked panicked. "Finn, if we get him that, he'll make me use it with him for months!"

"Exactly," he nodded. "Get you out of my house for a while," he winked.


The phone ringing interrupted their movie night. Finnick immediately lunged to pause the movie as the couple stared at the phone.

The phone typically only rang when one person was calling. And it hadn't rung in a month. She'd tried numerous times to call, but would only get his assistant. It was worrying. Her one mission from Snow was to control Seneca Crane, and if he escaped her grasp she was sure it'd come with terrible consequences.

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