Chapter 3

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"What is he wearing?" Taiya gasped as she watched Finnick's tribute parade chariot appear on the screen.

"You know they don't get to pick their outfits," Theo mumbled.

"Yeah, but he's wearing makeup," Taiya giggled giving him a small smile.

"Blue makeup," Theo's mom spoke up from the next couch.

"He looks pretty," Theo's cousin swooned from the floor.

"Annie," Taiya scoffed with a laugh.

"District 4!" Caesar Flickerman announced, "fishing, my favourite," he laughed. "And here Claudius we have our youngest tribute this year. The male tribute, Mr Finnick Odair at only 14."

"He certainly seems popular," Claudius laughed with Caesar as the crowd microphones picked up on the crowd cheering Finnick's name.

"Why are they cheering him so much?" Taiya asked, looking over at Theo.

"Look at his face," Theo pointed out. "He's charming them."

Taiya frowned as she turned to look back at the screen, "why?" she asked as she watched him blow kisses to the crowd.

"He'll get more sponsors if they like him. It's a smart move," Theo answered.

"Right," Taiya mumbled as the parade came to an end.

"Would you like to stay for dinner Taiya?" Theo's mother offered.

"Um, no thanks. I don't really feel well," she mumbled standing up. "I should probably get home before my parents get worried."

"Of course, another time," she smiled.

"Come on," Theo said standing up and placing his hand on her back. "I'll walk you."

"Thanks, Mrs Cresta, bye Annie," she farewelled them as she left the Cresta household.


It had been a few days since the tribute parade and Taiya was sitting on her couch at home with Theo and her parents, rocking backwards and forwards as they waited for the tributes scores to be announced.

"Geez would you stop Taiya," Theo laughed and he placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her still. "You're making me nervous."

"He'll get a good score sweetie. You've seen him train. He'll have impressed the game makers, don't worry," her father assured.

"A kid that arrogant is bound to get a good score," her mom grumbled.

"Azalea, please," Caspian sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. Azalea turned to argue but stopped when Caspian pointed over to Taiya. Azalea looked over at her daughter, who was the very picture of a nervous wreck and sighed before leaning back in her seat. Tonight was not the night for a fight.

"From District 1," Caeser Flickerman spoke as they began to go through the scores, "Blaze, with a score of 9."

"That's a good score," Taiya whimpered.

"Finnick will get a good score too," Theo reassured as he squeezed her shoulder.

"From District 4," Caeser said after some time, drawing Taiya's attention back to the screen as she leant forward as far as she could without falling off the couch. "Finnick Odair with a score of 9." Taiya immediately let out a sigh of relief and dropped her head onto her knees. The only score higher than a 9 had been the boy from two who scored a 10. "Halle Mildstar, with a score of 6."

"He can do this," Theo breathed. "He can do this," he laughed as he grabbed Taiya and pulled her in for a hug as she let out a sob.

"Interviews are on Monday night," Caspian spoke up and Taiya pulled away from Theo. "He'll win everyone over even more when he speaks." Taiya tilted her head confused and Caspian smiled, "come on sweetie, you know he can win over a crowd. If he could get you to forgive him for knocking you into the ocean when you two first met he can certainly convince a Capitol crowd to sponsor him. He's a good looking young boy as well, they love that."

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