Chapter 25

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Katniss was anxiously watching the wall that Taiya and Finnick had gone behind. The whole squad were making themselves look busy, pretending to give the couple some privacy. But so far no one had heard anything.

Finnick was sitting down, with Taiya standing opposite him. She had her arms crossed as she icily stared down at him.

10 minutes and not a word.

"Please say something," Finnick whispered.

"I want to drown you in a bathtub right now."

"Would it make you feel better if you did?" he asked.

"Probably not."

Finnick sighed, he knew he deserved every bit of Taiya's anger. "I messed up, Tay," he admitted, looking down at his hands. "I should have told you. I should have included you in the decision."

Taiya continued to glare at him, her arms still tightly crossed. She didn't say anything, silence was one of Finnick's biggest weaknesses. This would be upsetting him more than a screaming match would.

"I thought... I thought I could protect you by keeping you out of it. I didn't want you to worry," he looked up at her. "You weren't doing well, Tay. I was worried about you. I am worried about you. I know it was the wrong thing to do. I shouldn't have kept it from you. We're a team, and I'm sorry."

Taiya gritted her teeth. She could feel a prick in her eyes. She didn't want to cry. "You think you can just run off to the Capitol without telling me? You knew how scared I was and you did it anyway. You made me think everything was ok. This is not ok, Finnick! Do you know how it felt to hear about you being here? No one told me anything! You had all my friends lying to me. I had to sneak my way into a meeting to get the truth. Do you know how insane that is?"

"I didn't want you to worry," Finnick repeated, genuinely remorseful. "I thought it would be easier for you if you didn't know."

"Easier for me?" she scoffed. "Finnick, I can handle the truth. What I can't handle is being lied to, especially when you're heading into danger! Do you know how important trust is? You broke mine!" 

Finnick nodded, it wasn't like he could defend himself. "You're right. I should have trusted you to be able to handle this. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't have come here at all. You decided to keep me in the dark, you don't get to do that. We're a team. We face things together."

He nodded, feeling the weight of her words. Trust was paramount. "I know that. I promise, no more secrets."

"How were you expecting to explain this to me when you got home, huh? You think you'd get away scot-free because I'd be happy to see you?"

"I didn't think that far ahead yet," he ran a hand down his face.

"You didn't think, period!" she snapped. "I have half a mind to get the number of Romulus' divorce lawyer," she grumbled to herself, but then she glanced down at him. She didn't mean the words obviously, but the expression on Finnick's face broke her heart.

"Please say you don't mean that," he pleaded.

Taiya sighed. "No, I didn't mean it. I should. But no. I don't mean it. You promise me," she held her pinky up to him. "No more secrets, no more stupid 'she's a damsel I must protect her' nonsense. You promise me. Honesty."

"I love you and I promise," he immediately linked his pinky with hers and shook it.

"Good," she released his finger. "I'm still furious though so don't think this fight is over. Lie to me again and I'll have to kill you. My mother has plenty of suggestions."

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