Chapter 13

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She smashed her lips onto his, sending him slightly off balance. He was able to steady the both of them as he quickly grabbed onto her waist.

"What was that for?" he muttered against her lips, completely forgetting what they'd been doing before.

"I just can't get enough of you," she whispered, smirking as she felt his fingers dig into her waist a bit more.

She knew she didn't have long, he'd snap out of the haze she'd sent him into soon. She quickly moved her hand around his waist and ripped the fabric out of his pocket before sprinting off.

"I've got it Tyler! I've got it," she roared as she ran along the beach. She only had a small head start, because once Finnick realised he'd been tricked, he was off after her.

"You tricked me!" she heard him yell from behind her.

"Come on Tay! Come on Tay!" Tyler screamed at her as she ran.

She made the mistake of looking behind her to see how close he was, she was way in front, but her momentary distraction caused her to trip and tumble into the sand.

"Kenna! Catch!" Taiya yelled as she flung the cloth up, only for it to get caught in the wind and not go anywhere. "Shit," she muttered, grabbing it and shoving it between her stomach and the sand as Finnick dove on top of her.

"Give it here," he laughed as he tried to shove his hand under her stomach to pull it out.

"Kenna!" she yelled at the girl who was just watching them. "Tackle him off me!"

"No thanks," the girl snorted.

"Come on Ken, neither of them will give up," Tyler sighed.

"You tackle him then," Kenna shrugged.

"I'm out," he said, gesturing to the line they'd drawn in the sand. "I can't cross this. You're the only one that can break the stalemate."

"This game is so stupid," Kenna muttered. This caught both Finnick and Taiya's attention, and both of their heads whipped up to her in shock.

"What the hell Kenna!" Taiya gasped.

"Yeah Kenna," Finnick agreed.

"We invited you to the victor championships!" Taiya shouted in disbelief.

"You're the only non-victor invited," Finnick added.

"Do you not appreciate the honour?" Taiya added.

"Yeah, the honour," Finnick nodded.

"You two are idiots," Kenna rolled her eyes. "The only 'victor's' playing," she mocked, "are you two and Tyler. Annie, Mags, Todd and Buck are just sitting on the sand up there having a picnic."

"They're old," Taiya shrugged.

"Decrepit," Finnick added.

"Lazy," Tyler agreed.

"We can hear you guys, you know that right?" Buck asked them.

"Just get off me!" Taiya protested as she focussed on the game, beginning to struggle underneath him. "Your fat ass is crushing me Finnick."

"Oh please, you've never complained about me being on top of you before."

"Ew!" Tyler and Kenna both complained.

"Alright, I'm done now," Tyler threw his hands up as he turned away. "Let's go join the others, Ken," he waved the girl over.

"Coming!" she replied eagerly, winking at Taiya before racing over to Tyler.

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