Chapter 16

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Taiya and Finnick returned to their compartment that night still wrapped in the buzz of the party. They couldn't keep their hands off each other and had been giggling the whole way back to their compartment. The victors had all been the last to leave the party, it'd been even more enjoyable after some of the District 13 citizens had left. It'd just been giggles and nonsense amongst their victor family.

As they came down the hallway to their compartment, Taiya flung her arms around his neck and pushed herself up against him, embracing his lips with hers.

"I love you," she whispered before he quickly reattaching his lips to hers.

Buck would not have been happy if he walked down this corridor. Finnick was guiding her into a kiss that was full of tongue and teeth, his hands were running all over her body. Then he lifted her up by her thighs and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I'll always love you," he groaned.

"Bedroom, bedroom," Taiya instructed against his lips. No one was going to interrupt them this time.

And he was all too eager to oblige as he hurried them into the compartment, only removing his hand from her to open the door, before quickly returning it to her behind.

Finnick wasn't messing around, he raced them straight over to the bed, lowering her down so he was hovering over the top of her.

He pulled back and looked into her eyes, studying the one person he knew he would do anything for. Her eyes were always the true marker of what she felt. She was a good actor. But he'd known those eyes since they were 8 years old. They couldn't fool him. Looking into those eyes now, he beamed. Pure happiness was what he saw, and he knew his eyes were reflecting the same.

But then she froze, and her fingers that had been working at the buttons on his dress shirt stopped.

"Love?" he brushed some of her wayward hair back into place.

Taiya looked at him and she knew what she wanted. "We should get married."

"I agree," he chuckled. "And I'm pretty sure you did as well. That was the purpose of that engagement party," Finnick tilted his head in confusion.

"No. No. I mean like now. We should get married now."

Finnick just blinked at her. "Now?"

Taiya grabbed his face and moved so they both were sitting up.

"I love you. I don't want to spend any more time not being married to you," she shook her head.

"I... I thought you didn't want to get married in 13," he smiled widely.

"I mean it's not my dream venue," she smiled coyly as she grabbed his hand and began playing with his fingers. "But I mainly just didn't want it being filmed," she smiled sweetly at him. "I want our wedding to be for us. The way we want it. With our family."

"Okay, okay," he smiled eagerly, kissing her. "Right now?"

"Yes! Right now," she grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss, both of their smiles were beaming bright enough to power the entire of Panem. "Bucks ordained," she pulled back to look at him. "He can marry us!"

"Bucks ordained?" Finnick frowned.

"Yeah," she nodded. "The why's not important right now," she dismissed so they didn't get sidetracked.

Finnick immediately jumped up from the bed, pulling her with him before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in for a deep kiss.

"Mm, mm, don't get distracted," she groaned before grabbing his hand and racing to the door.

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