Chapter 15

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Wow. Hello. It's been a while. I'm sorry! I totally lost it with this story. I just couldn't get the next chapter down. But I finally did it. I've already got the next chapter planned out so hopefully should be out within the week. Please let me know what you think of this chapter! It inspires me to write quicker. Hope everyone's had a great few months! If anyone wants to chat about this story or anything at all feel free to reach out!


"Come on my darlings," Moxie sang as they step off the elevator and onto their floor in the Training Centre. "I had plenty of interest in the two of you. It's all just so exciting don't you think?"

"Exhilarating," Theo replied dully.

"We just need Tyler and Finnick to seal the sponsor deals for you. No doubt Finnick will be doing most of that," she rolled her eyes.

"Finnick?" Taiya asked. "Why is that Finnick's job?"

"Finnick has a certain...

"Moxie," Tyler warned.

"It's fine. I was just going to say that Finnick has an appeal that you don't," she answered coyly. "It's all well and good darling. You shouldn't complain."

"Is it because Finnick is a new victor?" Taiya asked and Moxie simply smirked.

"Here it is! The District 4 floor," Moxie announced, throwing open the doors.

"Wow," Theo sighed. "This is incredible," he breathed as he stepped inside and looked around. Theo had lived in the poorer part of District 4, anything above that was absolute luxury to him. But even for Taiya, the quality of the rooms was astounding, and she'd grown up in a mansion.

"Wait until you see the bedrooms," Moxie giggled.

"Where's Finnick?" Taiya asked looking around. "I thought you said you sent him up here?" she asked Tyler.

"He'll be around," Tyler smiled nervously.

"Go have showers and get all that beautiful makeup off you and then we'll have dinner," Moxie instructed. "Go. Go," she ushered them away.


Taiya was sitting on her bed staring at the wall when she heard a knock on her door. "Yeah?"

"Hey it's me," Theo said opening the door. "Can I ask you a favour?"

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"I'm embarrassed but I can't work out how to use the showers. I figured you'd have a little more experience with this kind of technology. You might have a better idea."

"Yeah," Taiya laughed. "Come on, I'll show you," she smiled as she followed him across the hall and into his bathroom.

The shower had a panel on the wall with a hundred options that did everything from regulating the water pressure and temperature to dispensing soaps, shampoo, scents, oils and sponges.

"I always liked my shower sent at 112," she said showing him how to set it. "I also like the pressure on 5. It's not too strong but it'll wash all the makeup off," she smiled. "Then when you get out step here," she said pointing out the mat. "We never had one of these at home but it's a heater that will dry you off."

"You're the best. I was staring at this for 5 minutes and I just could not work it out," he smiled and she quickly smiled back. "Hey, are you ok?"

Taiya shook her head as her eyes filled with tears. "No," she stuttered.

"Come here," Theo said quietly as he pulled her in for a hug. "For what it's worth, you look beautiful. But I prefer you without the blue sparkles on your face," he joked and she laughed lightly.

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