Chapter 23

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Whiteness is what greets her when she wakes. The ceiling, the walls, the door. White. Looking down she sees her arm has multiple tubes sticking out of it. Her hands, waist, and legs are strapped down to the bed. Obviously, she can't be trusted without restraints. Taiya began to panic and viciously tugged against her restraints.

"Don't fight against it," Moxie spoke quietly from a seat beside Taiya's head.

"Get them off me! I want them off," Taiya pleaded as she tugged them again.

"I'll let them know you're awake, the doctors have been waiting to assess you. Maybe they'll let one arm free so you can eat," she said as she stood up and left the room.

Taiya began kicking wildly, allowing some tears to fall as she fought against the restraints. The door flung open and Finnick ran into the room, heading right to her bedside as he took ahold of her hand. "Of course you wake up the moment I leave the room," he breathed in relief.

"Get these off of me," Taiya cried as she tried to pull out of his grasp.

"Yeah, yeah of course," he nodded as he undid the Velcro on her wrists. As soon as she was free she immediately jerked her hand away from him and rubbed her wrists.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Just a day. They're worried about you. The doctors aren't quite sure how to treat you properly. They're worried about their safety," he said quietly.

"Why? Because I killed one of them?" Taiya asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "It's ok though, no one blames you, Tyler and I have been telling them it was an accident. You were just confused."

"No, I wasn't. I knew what I was doing," Taiya confirmed.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"I told them to get away, but they didn't," she huffed as she ran a hair through her clean, soft hair. Running her hand over where Cotton had smashed her head she winced.

"Your head was hurt really bad, the medicine they gave you hasn't had time to work properly yet," Finnick told her, gently pulling her hand away. As he held her hand again she finally looked over at him and her chin began to wobble as her emotions bubbled to the surface. "Hey, you're ok," he reassured, coming closer and leaning down near her face. "It's over, you're free."

"You know better than anyone that I'm not," she whispered. His eyes fell, but he didn't reply. "I just want to go home," she sobbed.

"There are a few things to do before we can go home, but we'll be back soon."

"Mr. Odair!" a doctor yelled as they entered the room. "She doesn't have a release order, who authorized you to remove the restraints?"

"She didn't want them on. She should be comfortable," Finnick defended, standing up quickly, but keeping his hold on her hand.

"She's a danger."

"You'll be fine. Just do your evaluation," he snapped.

"Miss Ambersnow," the doctor smiled hesitantly. "You attacked a doctor and a Peacekeeper on the hovercraft, we're just wondering if there's a reason why."

Taiya squeezed Finnick's hand as she tried to keep her rage tempered. "I asked them to get away and they didn't."

"You didn't think you were still in the arena?" the doctor asked.

"No. I knew where I was," she hissed as she pulled her hand back, her mood flipping like a switch.

"Well, obviously we can't sign your official release until we're certain you're not a danger to those around you."

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