Chapter 19

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Regret. Regret. Regret.

That's all that was going through Taiya's head. It echoed relentlessly through her mind.

She couldn't believe Johanna had been able to manipulate her so easily into attending training.

It started at 7:30 am! An ungodly hour according to Taiya.

Johanna arrived with Katniss to bash on hers and Finnick's door at 7:00 am, just knowing Taiya wouldn't be awake.

And Finnick, the traitor, had just mumbled "haha" before rolling over and going back to sleep.

Johanna and Katniss were full of energy, ready to ace training and immediately be approved to go to the Capitol.

Oh, how their egos deflated when they realised they'd all been assigned to a training group with young teenagers. An audible grumble from Johanna filled the air, expressing her frustration.

"What the hell is Plutarch playing at?" Johanna voiced her discontent as they surveyed their youthful peers.

Taiya, attempting to lift Johanna's spirits, offered, "Hey, they're only young, you can wipe the floor with them, Joseph," Taiya tried to cheer her up.

"True," Johanna nodded, her determination flickering back to life. "We'll show Plutarch what us victors can do," she declared, nudging Katniss with a newfound resolve.

Taiya at least knew what to expect in training. She had grown up attending the academy in Four after all, and that gave her some advantages. Granted her earlier days in the academy were often filled with playful antics alongside friends. But ever since Tyler had taken her on as a pet project and began training her, her fitness levels had been excellent. Admittedly, her physical prowess had taken a hit during her sedentary months in the Capitol and more recently in District 13.

So she was not looking forward to training. It was going to be difficult. Even knowing this though, she still agreed with Johanna's sentiments, Taiya couldn't help but feel a blow at her ego at being placed in the lowest-level training session. It seemed a bitter irony - they'd survived the Hunger Games twice, only to find themselves in the lowest tier.

"Everyone already approved to go to the Capitol is in a separate group," Katniss told them. "Gale's there."

"Alright," Taiya pointed a finger in Katniss' face. "Listen here, swamp potato. Gale is officially banned from conversation here."

"What do you have against Gale?" Katniss had to smirk.

"He's irksome," Taiya replied casually. What more reason did you need?

Katniss just chuckled, her expression soon shifting into a frown. "Hang on a second, how did you know Katniss meant swamp potato?"

A mischievous grin adorned Taiya's face. "You can thank our super cool bread boy for that," she shared. He'd told her last night when she'd popped in to check on him.

"Great," Katniss mumbled. Taiya wasn't going to let that go.

"Alright. Listen up," a middle-aged woman called them to attention. She had an air of stern authority, a demeanour that was not to be messed with. "My name is Soldier York, and you will address me as such every time we speak."

"Ow," Taiya hissed, giving Johanna a nudge. "You stood on my foot!"

"Did not," Johanna retaliated, shoving her right back.

Soldier York, not one to tolerate disruptions, addressed the bickering pair. Taiya and Johanna both looked over at the woman staring at them, unimpressed and devoid of any friendly inclination.

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