Chapter 2

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"Smile, wave, be happy. Smile, wave, be happy," Taiya chanted.

"You've got it," Tigris smiled, as she zipped up Tanya's coat.

"I don't think I do Tirgis," Taiya stuttered.

"You just need to read the cards Moxie wrote for you. Smile at the crowd, have dinner with the Mayor and the lone victor of District 12."

"And then rinse, repeat in all the other districts," Taiya's voice shook as she tugged her hair. "I don't think I can do this."

"You can."

"What if I break? Everyone here is just watching me, waiting for me to break."

"You're stronger than that," Tigris assured. "I know you are. You put on a show that night in the Capitol and you're going to put on a show on your tour. We all believe in you. Even though you might not. Go on," she ushered Taiya out of her room and into the dining cart of the train.

"We have to tell her, what do you think she'll do if she gets off the train and sees that?" Finnick snapped at Tyler.

"Tell me what?" Taiya asked, and their heads whipped around to face her.

"Taiya..." Buck started.

"Tell me what?" she pressed.

"District 12 got hit by a storm last night," Finnick told her.

"Finnick!" Tyler snapped.

"Be quiet Tyler," Finnick growled.

"So it's cancelled?" Taiya smiled.

"No..." Finnick hesitated. "The tour is going to go on."

"So it'll be a bit rainy," Taiya shrugged as she walked forward and grabbed a grape from the bowl.

"That's not it," Finnick rubbed the back of his neck. "They got hit by a snowstorm. The entire district is caked in snow."

Taiya immediately dropped the grape as she collapsed into the closest chair, her legs crumbling beneath her.

"Snow?" she stuttered, looking up at the three men standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry Taiya," Tyler apologised.

"Just give me 5 minutes," she spluttered, getting up from her chair and racing back to her room. As soon as she entered her room she collapsed down on the bed.

If there's one thing she never thought she'd have to see again it was snow. It never snowed in District 4, and she took comfort from that. She hadn't even considered the fact that other districts were blanketed in snow for a good portion of the year.

Hearing a knock on the door she called out, "just give me a minute please."

Ignoring her, Finnick opened the door and stepped into her room. "Hey," he greeted quietly as he shut the door behind him. "You ok?"

"I just need a moment," she breathed as she shut her eyes. Feeling the bed dip next to her, she tensed as Finnick took a seat beside her. Gently he took ahold of her hand, making Taiya's breath hitch.

"Sorry," he apologised, as he went to withdraw his hand, but her grip tightened, keeping him tethered to her.

Relaxing into the comfort he was trying to offer, she lowered herself down to lay on the bed, pulling him down with her. She looked into his eyes before nestling her head into his shoulder. He immediately tensed up and let out a nervous breath.

"You'll be with me?"



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