Chapter 17

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"What is wrong with your faces?" Tyler smirked as he looked at them. "Your cheeks are going to cramp up."

Neither one of them could wipe the smiles off their faces.

"I think he's broken," Buck pointed at Finnick. His beaming smile was wide, but there were tears silently falling down his cheeks.

"Happy tears," he shrugged.

"The best kind of tears," Taiya agreed with a nod.

"Are you two going to have a first dance?" Tyler asked.

"Only if Haymitch beatboxes a tune," Taiya smirked and immediately spun to look at the blonde in the corner.

"Wha... no!" Haymitch instantly complained.

"Glossy boy?" she turned on her next target.

"Trust me, neither of us want that," he shook his head.

"Good point," Taiya nodded. His singing was horrific. He'd sung one time when tipsy and she and Cashmere bullied him for weeks. Tone deaf didn't even begin to describe it. "Hanging tree girl!" Taiya turned to Katniss whose eyes instantly widened in a panic.

"I already had to sing that earlier for the propo. Plutarch said it was your idea," she accused. "Thanks for that by the way."

"I can't believe he didn't call me over before filming that," Taiya shook her head in disappointment. "I always miss cool things when I hang out with you Gloss. You're a curse."

"Whatever," Gloss shrugged, completely unbothered. "Don't hang out with me then."

"Wha... no," she frowned. "You're meant to beg me to hang out with you. You have no other friends."

"I'm waiting for your friend Kenna to get back," he smirked. "I was planning on ditching you for her anyway."

"Heyyy. You're meant to be nice to me today."

Gloss just frowned. "Why? It's not your birthday?"

Taiya sighed in defeat. "You are always super nice to me on my birthday," she relented. "But did you say my line?" she turned back to Katniss.

"'This is dedicated to all the girls you've loved before?' Yeah, I did. Wasn't awkward at all," Katniss huffed.

"Oh. I'm glad!" Taiya chose to ignore the sarcasm. "Bestie Jo the pop star? How about a song?"

"There's only one song I'll sing," Jo scowled. She didn't want to. But she'd do it for Taiya.

"Yes!" Taiya squeaked, grabbing Finnick's hand and moving him to some open space.

"You're not seriously going to have our first dance be to this song?" his eyes widened in a panic. This song haunted his dreams.

"It's the best song I know," Taiya shrugged.

"Annie!" Finnick yelled out desperately.

"Yes, Wade?"

"Please don't call me that," he hung his head. Annie used to call him Wade two years ago when Taiya told her his middle name. He didn't like it, but eventually, Annie just forgot. Now with the wedding, she'd been reminded. "Can you sing a song for our wedding dance?"

"Me!" she chirped, clapping her hands, eager to be a part of the moment. "Yes!"

"Oh thank god," Johanna sighed in relief.

"Dance!" Annie yelled. Taiya and Finnick both jumped before they started swaying back a forth. Annie, whilst being the sweetest person in existence, was also very bossy at times. And bossy Annie, was scary Annie.

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