Chapter 4

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"No way! You did not tell him that!" Taiya giggled.

"I did!" Kenna nodded excitedly. "He didn't even know what to say to that."

"Wow," Taiya sighed. "Boys are weird."

"You should come back to school," Annie suggested. "See just how weird they really are."

"Yeah... no thank you," Taiya muttered. "What's the point now."

"Education," Kenna answered. "Besides. I'm sure hanging around Finnick every day is sure to rot a few brain cells."

Taiya burst out laughing. "Kenna!" she chided.

"Well, it's true! When he went to school he asked me if one day fish would grow legs and take over."

"Well... I mean it's an interesting question?" Taiya suggested.

"Tay, it's a dumb question," Kenna smiled. "Come back to school."

"I just don't think I'd handle it well. You know, with all the people," Taiya shrugged.

"You're going to the party tonight. Don't you think that's a good test of whether you're ready?"

"Ken, I'm only just starting to feel like myself again. School, that's a big jump. Besides, it's not like I'll ever have to get a job. Isn't that the point of being a victor? I'm set for life."

"That's not a good attitude Taiya," Annie muttered.

"Ok. You don't want to go to school, fine. But trust me. You're missing out on all the best gossip," Kenna smiled as she broke off a bit of bread.

"How could I be missing out when you tell me everything," Taiya laughed as the front door to her house burst open.

"What are you doing?" Tyler demanded.

"Excuse you, this is my house, what are you doing?" Taiya demanded as she stood up from the couch.

Tyler examined the scene in front of him. 3 girls dressed up to go out and snacking away on some seaweed bread.

"Finnick said you came over here and I just thought..."

"What? That I'd come over here to mope again?" she asked and he shrugged. "Get out Tyler," she whined as she flung a throw cushion at him. "We're having girl time."

"I'm going. I'm going. Just call me if you need anything," Tyler agreed as he quickly exited the house.

"Tyler's hot," Kenna announced immediately after he left. Annie and Taiya both turned to look at her, mouths wide open. "It's true," she shrugged unapologetically.

"Gross," Taiya shuddered.

"Hey, just because he's taken you under his wing as some kind of niece doesn't mean the rest of us see him as family. In fact, I wouldn't mind being under him," she giggled.

"Oh my god! Kenna!" Taiya gasped, shoving her friend's shoulder. "You're disgusting."

"Oh come on. It's not like you haven't thought about it with Finnick," Kenna smirked. Taiya tensed up immediately. "Oh, you definitely have."

"It's not like that. It's complicated," Taiya reasoned.

"Oh please," Kenna rolled her eyes. "Not that complicated. He's been obsessed with you for like... ever. And you totally dig him too. Maybe you even love him," she suggested and Taiya glared. "Alright, alright," Kenna backtracked, raising her hands in submission. "I'm just saying. Annie and I have talked about it."

"Kenna!" Annie gasped at being called out.

"Stop corrupting Annie," Taiya sighed as she leaned back on the couch.

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