M. Extraterrestrial x F. Reader

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There was a conqueror of sorts that roamed about the galaxy with the utmost of both confidence and apathy. He was stern in resolve, lacking the idea of mercy, and in such, gaining the respect in some, fear in others. Personally, he didn't care about such trivial matters, finding them tedious to deal with. So, he simply turned his head to the general masses of all planets alike. They would be his soon enough anyway. It was only a matter of time.

Nonetheless, the entire concept of invading different worlds was purely to sate his unnatural urge for tremendous power. He couldn't stand the idea of being less than someone, not that he ever expressed it outwardly. With a couple of dozen major galaxies under his belt, the male had inspired fear in every race from human to inhuman. Truth be told, he enjoyed watching the panic unfold when he stepped in to take what he wanted. It was always so amusing, but the result was always the same; boring.

Any resistance was crushed without issue, anyone who spoke against him was eliminated in humiliating and painful ways, and never did he find anything truly interesting. He didn't know why he continued to invade and take planets for himself. The male simply assumed that he liked the taste of power and couldn't get enough of it. Thus, he sat without any form of satisfaction in his body, his right leg crossed over his left while he sat in his seat at the front of one of his many ships. He watched the stars go past him, scowling deeply as if a favorite toy had been taken from him.

"Commander," his main attendant bowed, quivering slightly in fear of speaking without being spoken to, "You seem unhappy. What do you desire?"

The male clicked his tongue in disapproval and frustration, turning his head away in an almost pouting manner, still grimacing menacingly. His assistant trembled, fearing execution for causing the powerful male to be put in a fowler mood. Alas, the commander had no cares for what was to become of a grunt. He simply ignored the mosquito, watching as they floated through the cosmos. It was almost beautiful.

"I am bored," the male finally spoke, leaning back in his chair and placing his hands on the armrests to stand up, walking on the metal flooring and leaving the command center, "Suggest something for me to do, gnat."

"Shall I schedule a workout?"

"Do I look weak to you?" the commander snapped, glaring at the smaller figure who cowered below him.

"No, sir! I was attempting to come up with something fun. You seem to enjoy making yourself stronger. Was I mistaken?"

"Obviously, fly. Suggest something more substantial."

The assistant prattled on about different things that the male could partake in, hoping to find something pleasing to him. He was not easily satisfied, difficult to deal with, and painfully maltempered. That much was true, but as the list went from sparring to painting, the commander had about enough of the proposals, sighing harshly and with a huff in his voice. About to punish the attendant, the male paused when the insect blurted out something somewhat intriguing.

"Then please allow me to suggest finding a lover!" the fly exclaimed, bowing with fear.

The commander paused, gazing out of the window to watch the stars soar by him at extreme speeds. He gave a low hum, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side. It interested him just slightly, but he didn't particularly know what it would entail. Sure, he had some level of understanding. Still, he wanted the full description. Thus, finding something of a revelation in the idea, he ushered the smaller being to continue explaining.

"Well, some people like to settle down with a person they hold dear to them," the gnat sputtered, "I find that you have no equal in this entire universe, commander, but a lover would provide care, affection, conversation, and more. There are also intimate actions that can bring about pleasure, as well."

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