M. Prince x F. Regent x P.Y. Brother

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A/n: Hahaha, "Part 69"


 "It's been six and a half years now." A kiss. "I feel very bittersweet about it." Another kiss. "But it's for the best." The umpteenth kiss.

"Miss. You always come here and say these sad things. I feel like I don't get any attention. Won't you fix that for me?"

The (h/c) haired woman chuckled, attacking the spot where the younger male was most vulnerable. He liked it when she sucked on his neck and even more when she would bite on his shoulders. Pleased that she had decided to focus on him, the male whined and arched his back. He knew how she derived pleasure from his euphoria and made sure to be nice and loud. She also liked whining, and he was plenty good at it, too.

"Miss always comes here for exactly an hour only to talk and talk and talk. And I'm always trying to kiss Miss, too," the brunette pouted, squeaking as the woman nipped at his tanned skin, "Why come to a brothel like this when you're only ever going to talk? I want Miss to touch me..."

The brunette huffed as he turned to look at the woman kissing his shoulders. She had come once per week, and every time, she instructed that both he and her wear a mask. And though she was his first ever request, he didn't expect anyone would treat him like a child. The woman gave a kind smile and talked about things that worried her while petting his hair. And while he did enjoy the attention, after he had gotten to know her, he wished she would treat him a little more like an escort.

"If Miss is going to talk regardless, can't you tell me more specifics? What's ending soon?"

"Well, if I told you, that would make this mask a little pointless, don't you think? Then you would know who I am and I'd have to stop coming here. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"No...but I'm the only one you talk to right?" the brunette hummed, quite prideful of that, "So if I can help Miss get some things off of her chest, wouldn't that be good, too? I don't care who you are. You're still my favorite client."

"I'm your only client, I hope. I paid extra money to make sure of that. Unless you're cheating on me, Salo?"

" 'Course not, Miss," he chuckled, placing himself close to the woman's heart despite her being clothed, "So why would I go and make you mad by leaking information? Won't you have some faith in me?"

The (h/c) haired woman chuckled. The male, though he was still rather young, at least compared to her mental age, was very intelligent. When she had first gone to the brothel, she had a plan to pick out one individual to serve her every week. He had caught her eye even though his methods had been rather underhanded. She had to admit that he was downright gorgeous, and his mind was beautiful as well. If she had to pay for a companion, she was glad it was him, even if he was expensive.

"Will you listen honestly even if what I have to say is completely ridiculous? Or if it doesn't make sense? Or even if it's impossible?"

"As long as Miss touches me," the male simpered, directing her hands under his shirt and to his chest, "I like it here, too."

"Well, then I guess we have a deal. Listen up, okay?"

In truth, the woman had two major secrets. The first was that she was the only daughter of the previous king. Though illegitimate, she had been loved greatly when he was alive, but it all changed fairly quickly. He died when she was just 17, leaving behind her and her younger brother who was only 5 years old at the time. The palace became wrack with strife since the only one who could take the throne was but a child, leading to the woman's great stress for over 6 years.

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