M. Common Dragon x F. Reader

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The forest just outside the nation of Vuiral was strictly prohibited. It was not only for the sake of commoners and livestock alike but for curious little girls that peeked into places they were not supposed to go. Dangerous beings lurked there, inhuman creatures. While some have kinder viewpoints towards human beings, many would have wanted nothing more than to hunt them down and skin them alive.

That being said, clearly, children wanted to do whatever they were told not to do. As such, (Y/n) snuck away after her chores on the farm to venture just a bit into the wilderness. She'd always been rather apt towards spending time with animals. The younger girl just couldn't get enough of other beings, shying away from other people in order to spend time with them. Skipping further into the mysterious area, she gave awes of wonder.

Pixies and elves roamed about the flowers, much more peaceful amongst themselves than humans could ever be. Even then, there was a war raging on. It seemed that they could never go long without infighting despite their identity as the same species. Meanwhile, all kinds of magical beings could stay centuries without fights. It truly said something about the volatile nature of human beings.

The more the younger girl ventured into the forest, the darker it became. It wasn't physically, the glowing mushrooms and light of pixies illuminating the area, but the feeling plaguing the young girl increased. Red eyes rested on her form, and it frightened her, prompting her to hurry along with her steps. Her shoulders caved in on her, an insecure feeling washing over her. At any moment, she could be prey to any number of monsters or creatures.

In fact, a pack of wolves approached her, snarling at her presence as flames danced over their fur. They were far from regular wolves, their appearance terrifyingly morbid. As she sucked in a shaky breath, the younger girl took one step back. Then two. And on the third, she tripped, falling back and becoming vulnerable to the carnivorous beasts. She shook violently, closing her eyes and weeping as they closed in on her.

However, they never bit her. Opening her eyes, she noted the wolves were backing away with whines, almost bowing their heads out of fear. The younger girl turned around to see a regal navy blue form. It possessed a small body, not one would expect from a dragon of all things, but its wings were majestically large, scales coating its body. It was astoundingly filled with pride, holding its head up high.

"H-Hello!" (Y/n) squeaked, covering her mouth when the dragon tilted its head, stepping forward with a curious hum.

The being sniffed at her, pushing her forward as it whined. The younger girl gazed at the dragon, noticing that its wing was damaged. With a concerned look, she stepped forward to lightly touch the damaged appendage. The dragon growled, but when she began to gather some herbs, scooping them up and feeding them to the being. It was apprehensive but continued to munch on them nonetheless.

Feeling the pain fade from his wing, the dragon gave a happy shriek, galloping around as it moved its wings. Although the tear prevented him from fully flying, he was more than relieved that the pain had vanished. Thanking the younger girl, the dragon licked her, and though his tongue was half her size, the gesture was duly noted. She chuckled, petting the male's snout and nuzzling him.

The small girl was then picked up by the male, placed on his back. He carried her through the forest, letting her pet him or explore his surprisingly smooth - but bumpy - body. The wings on his back were smooth, glowing gently as he came closer to where he was supposed to be. It was a cave, one filled with gold and jewels from all over the world. Laying down on what looked like a nest, the dragon watched as the younger girl explored with astounding joy.

Coming from a village torn apart from war, she had never been able to see immense wealth. Even bread was scarce to come by, but there, in front of here, there was more wealth than a noble had. It made her eyes sparkle with fascination, every little thing she touched magical in its own little way. Picking up a crown, the (h/c) haired girl turned around to show it to the dragon, only to see that a small boy replaced him.

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