M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant

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A young girl was walking hectically behind the mistress she was serving. The lady was not well ranked amongst the consorts, being namely ignored by the emperor. A picky man though he was, it seemed for good reason that she was not favored. After all, the (h/c) haired girl only just started, still in training for the woman, but she demanded everything be done to her liking. (Y/n) hardly ever got any time to herself, often being whipped harshly for daring to ask for lunch.

Still, as an ex-noble's daughter, it was her fate. While she was low ranked and not as wealthy as other families or clans, she was still subjected to the emperor's rage. Her father had attempted to establish trade routes outside the country, and while it was not anything out of the ordinary, he gave away national secrets. Clearly, it caused outrage, and her noble title was stripped away from her and she, as well as the rest of her family, were resigned to working as either slaves or low-ranking servants.

She came out of it as one of the lucky ones, but it didn't mean life was easy for her. On the contrary, she lived a difficult life. There were incredibly strict rules in the palace, and if she broke any, she'd likely be on death row. It frightened her, but not more than what she had already experienced. She could hold herself up to all the rules. It just meant she had to confine herself to living without a real purpose.

Thus, confined to the role of an obedient maid, the younger girl stood behind her mistress with the other servants. The ladies had just gotten their shipment of dresses imported from the eastern side of the country. They were deeply excited about the prospect of impressing the emperor with their beauty, but it was more likely he wouldn't care. At least, that was what the servants gossiped about when their mistresses weren't there.

"Does this color please you on me, High Consort Liuxian?" the younger girl's mistress asked, attempting to make friends with those more redeemed than herself.

"I'd have to say white is a rather lovely color, yes. Your complexity is beautiful with the silk. And what of this pink color?"

As the consorts and concubines continued to speak about seemingly pointless things. While the (h/c) haired girl would have enjoyed discussing such things when she was a noble, it seemed as if they were flouting their wealth unnecessarily. How they even had the gall to ask the emperor for such frivolous things, the younger girl had no idea. She sighed, rolling her eyes discreetly. If her mistress had seen such behavior, she would have been whipped, but (Y/n) had come to learn if she wasn't caught, it was perfectly fine. In fact, she would say it was encouraged.

As the ladies were exchanging dresses and headpieces with one another to see what suited them best, the younger girl changed with another servant. It was one of the few times she was allowed to take a break and eat. Determined to do just that, she scurried along to where she would be both out of the way and the sights of others. Wandering around almost aimlessly, she discovered a small garden to rest herself.

However, in the midst of eating lunch, she found a small child stumbling around. He must have been three or four with raven black hair and matching eyes. On the brink of tears, he looked as though he was lost, unable to find his way back from where he came from. The sight invoked the adoration the (h/c) haired girl had for children, and she couldn't leave him there. Putting on an amiable smile, she stood up and walked over to the poor thing, getting on her knees to address him.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?"

The small boy had tears in his eyes as he looked up at the girl, bawling while rubbing at his already red eyes. As if he sensed she only wanted to help him, he clung to her, sobbing loudly while burying himself in her neck. Though surprised, the (h/c) haired girl hugged him softly, telling him softly that everything would be alright. He seemed to believe her, taking comfort in her loving embrace. It touched him deeply, and he wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in her arms.

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