M. Basketball Captain x F. Popular Girl x M. Star Player

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Idea of (Sin + Navy) by CognitiveEngima. Highly recommend their 200 word writes!


Cheers rang through the gymnasium as the ball was stolen from the other school, the right half of the bleachers jumping in the air and shouting at the top of their lungs. As a ravenette promptly began dribbling to the other side of the court with intense focus, he passed it to another black-haired male who began playing around with the others. Allowing them to get close to taking it back, he ran circles around them, barely moving as he did so, only to flex and show superiority. He then looked briefly up to the bleachers, throwing a wink before scoring three points with a flick of his wrist.

To that, the buzzer rang, signaling the fourth quarter of the game had been completed. Running around to congratulate himself, the player began trotting about, high fiving everyone in the front row of the bleachers. Most of which were his die-hard fans, panicking about the physical touch he'd blessed them with. The one who had stolen the ball, however, simply stood in place and shook the other team's hands, congratulating them briefly for a game well played. Their personalities differed greatly, so it was quite surprising to note they were indeed brothers.

(Y/n) chuckled at the completely contrasting attitude of both of them. While it was true that they were the reason their typically solely academic-based academy was put on the map for their talent in basketball, one took it too far while the other wasn't as serious as he ought to have been about it. Fixing out the ruffles in her uniform skirt, the (h/c) haired girl stood up and applauded as well before leading her friends out of the claustrophobic building. Outside, however, it wasn't much better as many crowded around the basketball team's famous brothers, praising them again and again.

"Let's go, you guys!" the more confident of them exclaimed, raising his hands in the air with pride and vanity, "Party at ours!"

Nudged by her friends eager about attending, the younger girl attempted to bat them off, stating she had better things to do. However, with the constant staring of one of the ravenettes - the captain of the team - she was given little choice by her friends. Their teasing made her chuckle with great amusement, taking a peek back at the male. She would have expected him to have flushed and averted his eyes, but he was dead set on staring at her, seemingly uncaring if she looked back at him as well.

As such, though mainly out of curiosity, she decided to join against her better judgment. After all, the location was not bad, the two boys having an interesting house, to say the least. Though everyone else was all quite wealthy as evident by their attending a private academy, they were perhaps the only exception to that as they got in off of - what (Y/n) could only assume - their sports prowess. Still, if they were continuing to attend, it must have meant they had some money thoughts he couldn't say where it came from. Regardless, their house was perhaps quite ordinary, far smaller than (Y/n) was expected to, but...charming in its own right.

Assessing it from the outside, she giggled as one of her friends cracked a joke about the sight, waving them off with entertainment. For what it was, it was impressive. After all, the boys only had their mother to provide for them. The inside was just the same, except it was packed with other students attending the party, music blaring, and lights flashing. Alcohol was passed around practically religiously, drunk young adults enjoying their time of stupidity. It was the weekend, after all. Who would care if they were a bit out of it the next day? Certainly not the trust fund kids in attendance, including the (h/c) haired girl who was perhaps part of the top 5% of that academy.

This fact allowed her to gain a quick following, many eager to please her to gain benefits from her family name. After all, as the only beloved daughter of the owner of a large corporation, she was highly valued despite her quite spoiled nature. Sitting down on a couch, the girl tilted a plastic cup's contents into her mouth, small streams occasionally trickling down over her designer lipstick.

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