M. Slave Harem x F. Reader x M. Slave Trader

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A/n: I don't usually do this, because let's be real. This is a yandere book. You need to expect blood, gore, unsettling imagery, and - oftentimes forced - sexual situations. So, you are now half-assedly warned <3


"Stop!" a broken scream cried, the male trying to struggle away from the man pushing into him, "It hurts! Please, stop, STOP!"

The disgusting beast ravaging him gave a scoff, refusing to cater to his pleas. He was bleeding, swelling in pain with the amount of force pushed into his behind. Though he tried struggling to get away from the man, his face was slammed onto the wall, his cranium beginning to seep crimson liquid. He tried further to plead for relief, but his throat was squeezed violently, cutting off all airflow. Tears streamed down his once beautiful face now coated in the scars the man had given him. And all in less than a month.

"Fucking bitch," the man growled, thrusting into the overly scrawny boy, "If she didn't buy all of those girls, I wouldn't have had to fuck a boy like you! Damn her! Seducing the auction master! No wonder she buys all the whores! No one has that much money!"

"S..o...p," the boy pleaded, trying to speak through the suffocation he endured.

"What?! I'm not stopping until I get my fill! You know how expensive you were?! And for this crap performance?! You should hate that bitch! Hate her! I wouldn't have bought you if she left some bitches for the rest of us!"

The male proceeded to thrust into the vulnerable boy, uncaring of the intense pain he endured. His ribs broke, his cranium was fractured, and above all, the lack of energy he had been provided forced his entire body to shut down. He was then left alone, covered in the man's intimate liquid, humiliated, used, and broken. Sobbing, he choked on his own spit and tears, still tasting the man's seed he had been forced to endure time and time again. He just wanted it all to end.

. . .

A young man was very displeased at the sight of a familiar face. He had sold for a large amount initially, having feminine features. It was likely because the rest of the female slaves had been bought up, and the desperate buyer wanted a sex slave nonetheless. Then again, the male was returned, the buyer supposedly irritated with the male's attitude. To resell a slave, especially one that was so beaten up, the man didn't think he was worth it. It might have been more profitable to put him to work in the fields than selling him.

"What should we do with him, master?"

"You know the drill. Cover him with concealer and make sure all of his scars are not visible. As for the broken bones...inject him with morphine. Then proceed as normal."

Sighing, the black-haired male lifted a cigarette to his lips, lighting it quickly and taking a large inhale. As he pulled back the curtains to reveal the large audience, he let out an even larger exhale. It was normal; it all was. The reason he was so wealthy was because of the insane amount people would pay for a slave. He drove up the prices and the issue of getting slaves cost very little trouble, and never cost much. Then again, as his eyes rested on a familiar bidder sitting in one of the balconies, he smirked, finding it difficult to breathe.

It was a typical reaction he had to the beautiful girl. She was wealthy, overly so as the best innovator of powerful technological devices. He didn't care very much about her skill in it though it did seem somewhat impressive to him. It was the girl herself who interested him so much. She came to every single one of his auctions, purchasing as many slaves as she could. At first, he had believed she had needed test subjects for her inventions, but lo and behold, she did it out of...kindness. Most every slave she purchased, she set free. Others were given jobs at her manor, paid well, and treated more than fairly. Or so it would seem.

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