M. Emperor x Ward Reader x M. Prince

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The castle stood upon high alert to welcome a young lady. She was not from a wealthy family nor from an influential one. Rather, she was the only daughter of the deceased queen's best friend. Her parents died in a tragic fire, leaving her penniless and without a home. However, out of the kindness of the emperor's heart, he welcomed her to his home and adopted her, taking responsibility for her happiness and health.

And so the castle servants and guard stood to alert as her carriage arrived. The emperor took time out of his day to welcome her as well, eager to see who she was as an individual. He was extremely close to his deceased wife, so much so that on her deathbed as she deliriously rambled off her dying wishes, he accepted each and every one of them. Even as she wished for her hometown to rain flower petals every sixth of November, he accepted it, promising her the world. As such, it was a simple matter to accept her wish to take care of her best friend's family.

The small girl, roughly four years in age, stepped out of the carriage, having to be helped by a maid accompanying her. Her small legs could hardly reach the ground on her own, having to be held tightly by the hand. The emperor watched as they wobbled, likely out of fear for her new role as a princess. She walked slowly up to him, bowing before him to properly greet him with respect as her new guardian.

"Welcome," he smiled gently, holding one of his hands before her, the other behind his back, "Welcome home, (Y/n)."

The younger girl's tears began to water, the combination of losing her parents and being completely accepted causing her to feel sorrow and gratitude all in one. She trembled, being comforted by the maid beside her. At this, the emperor gave a shocked expression, placing one foot in front of the other to lift the younger thing up, holding her up to cry on his shoulder. To his further surprise, she clung to him tightly, weeping loudly.

He pet her back comfortingly, slightly awkward in doing so, his cheeks pink with all the eyes on him. Nonetheless, he continued to caress her gently, finding a certain understanding in her grief. When his wife had died, he felt so alone, suffering in silence, away from the sight of his son. He hadn't wanted to worry him, but upon seeing that small thing cry so shamelessly, he gave a smile. It seems seeing her childlike innocence prompted him to smile widely, his heart accepting her almost immediately as if he'd been waiting for such a sweet presence for far too long.

In the meanwhile, as the emperor took the younger girl into the palace, showing her around the rooms he believed she would frequent most, a young boy began to bolt out of his chair. He had been twitching relentlessly, his leg bouncing up and down as he followed the instructions of his tutor, but he was still dismissive of the lessons he was given. The male just couldn't wait any longer, and the moment he finished the page before him, he jumped out of his seat and sprinted down the halls. Maids almost dropped the china they carried as he rushed past them and nobles gave disconcerted chuckles at his enthusiasm.

He looked everywhere he possibly could before finding his father in the throne room, a small (h/c) haired girl by his side. Immediately, the boy's face brightened up in cheer and he ran faster than ever, almost tackling the younger girl to the ground in his excitement. Hugging her tightly, his mouth rambled off word after word, though everyone around him could only perceive every fifth word or so. As he shook the girl with his happiness, his father separated them gently, (Y/n) immediately darting behind the white-haired man to use him as protection. She cowered cutely, but the boy in front of her wasn't able to pick up on her mood.

"Shiro, calm," his father laughed, placing his hand on the head of the boy, "You're frightening the poor thing. She's overwhelmed as it is."

As if understanding that the younger girl was, in fact, scared of his sporadic nature, the male calmed himself down as best as he could. He then attempted to walk around his father to get to her, only to note that she moved opposite of him, trying to escape. However, the older man picked her up gently, her little legs squirming to get away from the strange boy. That being said, her new guardian gave her a form of security as if he would protect her from the dangers of the world.

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