Y. Husband x F. Wife x P.Y. Son

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P.Y refers to platonic yandere while Y. is simply a romantic yandere.


It had been almost more than a decade since the (h/c) haired woman had set foot in the mansion as a newlywed. Her husband was delighted to suddenly surprise her that he was fabulously wealthy, the wedding showcasing everything from diamonds to an exotic wedding dress made from another country. And while she hadn't expected he was a wealthy businessman, it wasn't as if she wanted to complain about it. Rather, she was delighted by the endless amount of things it could provide, the man always happy to spoil her rotten.

Even when she didn't ask for it, he smothered her with his wealth as if it was the only thing that would keep her with him. Of course, she was well aware of his possessive attitude, the male quick to propose and quicker to practically lock her in the mansion. And yet, despite that, she didn't seem to mind, even attracted to the jealousy he easily adopted. It was likely due to that attraction that he was less prone to hiding it, always delighted to receive her affection when he asserted himself over other rivals.

Laying herself on the massive bed the male had bought for them, the (h/c) haired woman stuffed her face with chocolates, giving a hum. They delighted her taste buds while she watched her favorite show, remaining in the same spot she had been in the rest of the day. It wasn't as if she had a job to go to, the male more than insisting she remain at home while he took care of everything. And her, who had no plans whatsoever for her future, was happy to accept his request even if it could be boring at times.

Immersed in the drama unfolding at the television in front of her, (Y/n) gasped at the sight, a chocolate almost slipping out of her mouth. At the same moment, the phone next to her rang, the woman quickly picking it up, pressing it to her ear with excitement. The only one that ever called on that phone was her husband, the man refusing to let anyone else have such invaluable access to her precious ears.

"Darling!" she giggled, pausing the show to listen wholeheartedly to the male on the other end, "I was wondering if you were going to call! I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."

"I would never even think about it!" the man on the other end denied, the sound of him slamming his fist on his desk audible as well as the murmuring of his business acquaintances, "Ah...kitten, I'm embarrassed."

"You're always embarrassed. So cute."

The man chuckled, giving a thoughtful hum as he stared at the monitor on his end. Yes, he had installed cameras all over the mansion, and though he had initially intended to hide that fact, when she found out, she didn't refuse them. It made him smile at the reasoning she gave for it, stating that she always felt safe when he was watching her. Even though he was in a room with a few managers of his company, he couldn't resist calling her before the meeting began. After all, she was so cute, almost dropping a chocolate. She still had the viewpoint and actions of a child, her innocence admirable.

"Will you come home late again?" she questioned, the man tensing at the somber tone in her voice.

"I'll try to get out as soon as I can, but I may come home later than I did yesterday."

"That's...not fair, Cay."

"I know, baby. If it helps, go ahead and have the maids take you out for some shopping today. You've been wanting to go out, haven't you?"

There was a silence from the other side of the phone, the man sighing. He knew she wasn't pleased with him, especially when she ended up hanging up on him. Throwing his head back in his chair, he glared at everyone around him, attempting to figure out how to appeal to his wife. She loved him dearly, forgiving him of any sins he had committed and supporting him wholeheartedly, but she was stubborn when it came to taking care of himself. That was one of the reasons he cherished her so much.

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