(Primary) Elemental Series: M. Griffon Handler x F. Dragonkin

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"No! Luvyna!" a young man scolded, attempting to reach the ears of a creature that had more pride than any human could contain, "You need to watch your diet!"

The creature before him gave both a scoff and a sneer as if ridiculing him for saying such words. With blank feathers running along its head and neck and fur coating the rest of its lion-like body, the creature resembled a hybrid between the king of skies and the king of jungles, its wings majestic. An eagle and lion hybrid, it was fascinating and powerful, but too proud for its own good. As if to prove that fact, the griffon was adorned with a gold necklace and headpiece that wrapped around its neck with large and pure sapphires fastened all along its length.

It was only natural that any man would struggle to control such a creature. They were not dogs that laid down and rolled over at a mere word or two. Rather, they would ignore any commands made to them and may have even reacted with violence or irritated shrieks. It was for that reason that griffons were labeled as extremely deadly beings. The plainlands were an especially dangerous place to trespass as well, the griffons quick to prey on things even as large as mammoths. Grabbing a human was no harder.

And yet the male before the being seemed to be unaware of that fact, even laying his hands on the carefully pruned feathers of the beast. It snapped its beak at him with a guffaw and used its front paw to stomp on the ground to show its displeasure. With a sigh, the male gave up in his endeavors, confined to watching the griffon devour a cow with great delight. Certainly, the sight was gruesome, but he was used to it.

"You'll regret it later," he hummed, earning another shriek of protest from the being, "Don't come crying to me."

The possibility of such a thing happening was next to zero. No griffon, tame or not, would ever seek to depend on a lower being. In fact, they wouldn't have even depended on their parents. Leaving the nest as early as four months old, the beasts were notoriously solitary and easily annoyed by company. So as far as dependency went, the griffon was unlikely to even bat an eye at the male if he attempted to help it. It was just as well, too.

He stood up to stretch, moving his arms behind his back with a long yawn. His light blonde hair sought to irritate him by swaying in front of his eyes, but with a little flip of his wrist, it was done away with. The male then watched as the griffon continued to ignore him, flicking its tail in annoyance. It wasn't anything new, but it still brought a sigh past his lips. Just once it would have been nice to have a bit of appreciation. Then again, it wasn't really in their nature, so it was more wishful thinking on his part.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" the male cried out, pushing at the griffon.

The beast had all but smacked him on the head while using its sharp beak to pull at his ear. It shrieked and stomped its feet on the ground, shaking its head from side to side. Narrowing his eyes and pushing his tongue to his cheek, the blonde glanced behind the thing, noticing the remains of an entire cow. There wasn't a speck of meat on the bones, a clean and white structure remaining almost whole. Some of them were scattered about, the griffon attempting to eat the bone marrow inside, but it was clear that at some point or another, it found the task menial and beneath it.


The griffon once more screamed in disagreement, insisting it needed more food. The male huffed and stood up with a pout, being ushered forward by the beast behind him. It pressed its head on his back, almost knocking him over with the force it applied. He supposed it was its way of telling him to hurry up, not that it had that effect on him. Rather, to spite it and its stubborn behavior, he wanted nothing more than to drag his feet along the soil at the most leisurely of paces. However, in doing so, he found he was knocked over harshly, made to eat dirt.

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