M. Yakuza Heir x F. Highschooler

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 "Thank you so very much for not smoking on school grounds, Mr. Hotshot."

A (h/c) haired girl's brow twitched with irritation as she ripped a lit cigarette from a student she had known to be quite the troublemaker. Throwing it to the ground, she stomped it out, all the while maintaining a forced smile. The male she had taken it from had an irritated scowl, curling his fingers into a fist, but whether he had it in him to actually hit the younger girl was anyone's guess.

Certainly, the other was a pain in the other's butt, but it rarely resulted in violence. In fact, most of the time, the ravenette begrudgingly accepted the annoying prick's judgments. This was mainly due to the fact his father would have actually killed him for making another mockery out of their family name. Then again, he would have done so much more than getting kicked out of school to give his old man a taste of failure. His pissed expression would have been the prize he received. No, if he wanted to make their family a mockery, he would have gone out with a bang.

"You're costin' me a lot of money here," the male huffed, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it, uncaring of the younger girl's disapproving look, "Are you gonna pay me back or what?"

"Pretty sure you can afford it."

The (h/c) haired girl stuck out her tongue at the male, her head tilting up as the school bell rang. It was unlikely that the ravenette would follow after her towards his classes. He did have a habit of skipping, more than simply proud of the skills and information he already had in his mind. It wasn't as if she could deny his intelligence, but it was limited only to violence, tactical fighting, and "street smarts". Then again, she did suppose it was all he had to know.

It was a well-known fact that the Gensai family - if you could even call it that - were in charge of a widely feared yakuza conglomeration. The Gensai Group ranged its activities from the slave trade and information dealing to smuggling drugs and blackmail. The police, no matter the country, would have loved to get their hands on them, but they were too large in number and firepower. Some found it all pointless to try and stand against them, others hoped their rival, the Hisaki Conglomerate would take them down. The two had it out for the other, but they typically kept their distance, much to the despair of the police and civilians alike.

Still, the ravenette was a black sheep of his family. While a bit misleading due to the fact that he and his father were the only remaining members, it seemed true enough. While his father, the head of the Gensai Group, was entirely sadistic and power-hungry, it seemed all Sora wanted was to spite him. Typical of a teenager, perhaps it was, but there was talk of him having killed his associates simply for conversing with his old man.

(Y/n) didn't doubt that was true, but as the student vice president, she had a responsibility to stop any breaking of the school rules. Sora always seemed on her list of problem students, but his desire to stop was nowhere to be found. Nonetheless, it was a battle of stubbornness, and in that, the younger girl had plenty. She wouldn't abandon the responsibility of keeping other students in line regardless if he was the heir to a powerful group of murderers, criminals, and rogues.

"I'm tellin' ya! She's a real pain in the damn ass!" the ravenette huffed, kicking over a trash can with a growl as if pretending it was the student vice president, "Doesn't she have any respect?! What kinda fucking freshman treats a senior that way, huh?!"

"Don't know why you're whining to me, playboy," an orange-haired girl sighed, doodling on her notebook's spare pages, "I'm on her side of the fence. You are a giant sack of shit."

Along with the infuriated ravenette and the dismissive beauty by his side, there were a group of other students standing tensely by the side. Most were the children of Gensai Group members, forced into respect for Sora due to their parents' role in the yakuza syndicate. Others were high school members that had no idea what they had gotten into, doing it purely out of rebellion.

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