M. Human Prince x F. Vampire (2)

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Silvian wasn't wrong in choosing to find safety under the young vampiress's wing. He wasn't abused whenever she was around nor was he starved. In fact, she made sure he had everything he needed, including a warm place to sleep. Coincidentally, or not, it was on her floor, but it was much better than a cell. And though she would never know it, the male often crept into her bed while she slept to be closer to her.

He didn't know why exactly he felt so strongly towards her. It wasn't like she was kind. Sometimes, she would show him pity, but he liked to think of it as her love for him. After all, he was the only one she would ever play with since they were children. There was clearly a special place in her heart for him. Regardless, his affections for her were beyond concerning. He obsessed over every little thing she did, always on her heel ready for whatever she wanted of him. There was nothing else in his mind but her; ever the loyal dog.

When not in use, the ravenette would be confined to her room, in which she had built a few amenities for him. For one, she had made him a dog house that rested in the right-hand corner of the massive room, complete with a dog bed and his food bowl. She had also taken it upon herself to give him a few toys to entertain himself. Mostly, it entailed humans she had kidnapped for his amusement, but he never cared about them.

In fact, the new boy around his age she'd brought in was killed almost instantly the moment she left. He was still crying in pain on the floor, bleeding out at a vicious rate while Silvian rubbed himself all over the (h/c) haired vampiress's bed. He wanted to be coated in her scent and for a trace of him to linger. Whining, he began hugging one of her pillows, inhaling the bewitching aroma of the girl. It was the next best thing when she wasn't there. And though he tried, he wasn't able to leave the room to see her. She had chained him to his dog house, allowing him only enough leeway to move to the corners of the bedroom.

The door soon opened, a look of pure bliss crossing the human prince's facial features. The vampiress entered, holding his afternoon meal in her hands. As she approached him, he could hardly stay still, sitting up on his hands and knees as he'd been taught. He noted the girl smirking, filling him with pride and adoration. As she placed the plate of food on her bedside table, she leaned over, rubbing the male under his chin to his utter delight. Almost unable to take it, he shivered, drooling slightly.

"You just can't play nice, can you?" she questioned, gazing over at the dying human, "It doesn't matter what I bring."

The ravenette huffed, refusing to look at the playmate he'd been given. Even though he would never tell her, it was most certainly because of her. He was the only human male she ever came into contact with, and her fascination with him was striking. However, if he ever left another human male left alive, her attention might stray from him, something he wouldn't allow. Human girls weren't allowed either. Fully aware of his mistress's mother's plans, he was distaken with the idea of being paired up with the opposite sex. Well, unless it was (Y/n).

Obediently, the male sat, accepting the food she hand-fed him. It was a rare treat for her to do that, so he very much enjoyed it. As she placed a blueberry to his lips, she chuckled, watching him licking at her fingers, too. Possessively, he held her hand to himself, more hungry to touch her than he was to eat. He licked all over with near desperation, fully playing up his role as a dog to amuse her.

"Mistress," he sighed, tugging his loose shirt off of his shoulder and moving his neck to the side, "Touch."

The male guided her hand to his skin, taking in a deep breath as she moved his thin silver collar up slightly. She moved her cold hands softly over his flesh, watching as he shivered, his eyes rolling back in his head. No one could fake the level of obsession he had with her. That was why she liked him so much. Eager to continue caressing the male, she pushed him to lie down, squeezing at parts of his neck.

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