M. False Ethereal x F. Queen

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It went without saying that the king was the ultimate power in Evezen; that he ruled all before him as was his divine right. And, for the most part, he did, but the king had a weakness that was easily exploited. King Zephian was head over heels in love with his childhood friend - his lover, Syballi. He presented her with jewels, ships, and even entire cities just to show his love for her. She could get away with anything because of that, and, boy, did she take advantage of that.

Within her first year as his lover, she had made a fuss that the court was ignoring her. She said that they mocked her as a lowly maid and refused to acknowledge her status beside him. As a result, he granted her family a duchy under her name. And, the next year, she sobbed that a foreign princess - there for diplomatic reasons - had shown her up at a banquet by wearing a rare, foreign gem. So, King Zephian created a trading embargo, prohibiting any trade between the two countries even after the princess offered her the gem.

However, the most ambitious thing that she had done was start meddling in politics. Not only did she turn all of the king's ministers into martyrs for seemingly no reason, she had begged and begged for weeks to bestow her younger brother a title above all others. At the end of her efforts, Syballi even declared she would starve herself, to which her tantrum lasted only two days afterwards. And what title did she demand? She wanted her brother to be the Ethereal.

The Ethereal was the supreme head of the church: the one who held the power of the military. In essence, though they bowed to the king, they held far more power, especially since they had the love of the people as well. There was much that went into the role that gave them more power. Along with all the luxury provided to them, they were also directly in charge of the traversers who could move between worlds. Though they were rare - one only appearing once every 1,000 years - they had the power to rule over any land they set foot on.

Traditionally, an Ethereal was supposed to fulfill three requirements. The first was that they had to be 30 years of age. The second was that they had to have been a saint of the church for at least 5 years. Lastly, the third was that they had to possess the most divine power of any other member of the church.

Syballi's brother could not fulfill even one of the requirements (not that the king knew). But, because King Zephian had turned into a tyrant, starting wars with adjacent countries just because his lover willed it, they had no choice. They saw who really held the power, and it was not him. The church accepted the demand, giving Cassiel the position and making him an exception to the rules. To the public, he was known as the one with the highest divine power in history, largely because of his sister's efforts, but, truthfully, he was no better than a fraud.

Two years passed after this major event. Unsurprisingly, the adjacent territories had come to have horrible relations with Evezen because of the king's aggression based on foolishness. And, in the process, they teamed up together in order to halt trade to his kingdom alone. The king thought it meant nothing. His kingdom was wealthy and it always had been, but he soon found, without trade, things were beginning to crack. So, he had no choice but to cave.

To end the hostility, he had a meeting with the delegates from the adjacent kingdoms. They all said the same thing. In order for trade to resume, he must marry any one of their princesses and make her his queen. King Zephian entrusted the task to Cassiel, who merely picked one of their portraits at random. In less than two weeks, Princess (Y/n) married him and ended the halt of trade, returning the wealth the kingdom had risked losing.

But, to be expected, her life there was anything but pleasant. Day after day, she suffered mistreatment and abuse. King Zephian's lover was not a caring woman, not shy about showing her discontent for the girl that married him. For example, Syballi would throw freezing water on her in the dead of winter. She also instructed all servants to prick her with needles whenever they saw her. Her brother was her biggest ally, instigating everyone to laugh at the new queen. Everyone did as he said, fearing the power he wielded. Not a single person could help the (h/c) haired girl.

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