M. Prince x F. Bastard (Part 3)

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Doing such a simple act of charity for the nearby villagers had gained Savino (Y/n)'s admiration. She looked at him with eyes of adoration as well, practically enamored with such a thing. As such, what could he do but continue with it? The more money he spent on others, the more she became drawn to him. In some ways, she felt embarrassed and ashamed he did so much just because she suggested it, and in others, astounded and grateful. He preferred the last option, her graciousness coming back to him in desirable ways.

The earliest instance of this was immediately after his first charity event in passing out food and other essentials as well as having students sign up for his new school. After everything had ended, she had tagged alongside him out of guilt. Wanting to do something to show her appreciation, he finally conceded. Of course, he acted as though the only thing he had in mind was charity and not her reciprocation. Still, he had kindly agreed to her request, asking her to spend some time with him in his room.

Eager to hear her, the author, read her first published fairy tales, she happily obliged. He was especially surprised when she refused the bejeweled, custom-made copy of her work, instead, holding up something decrepit. To his utter delight, however, it was the original copy of it all. It included her own story-building notes and even small doodles she had made. When she focused on reading the words on the pages aloud to him, he stared at it with eyes of desire and greed all the same.

That was his new goal. He was determined beyond everything to gain her adoration enough to the point where she would give it to him. Obviously, from the first moment he had met her, he knew her great love for that journal, having carted it around everywhere. However, the thought that she may someday give him that precious object - which she revolved her whole life around - sent shivers up his spine. In doing so, would she not be instating him as the new center of her universe? He so badly wanted to hold what she desired most and become it at the same time.

So for the next few years, he had focused wholeheartedly on performing other acts of charity. Generosity was the key to her heart, something he fully intended on monopolizing and exploiting for all it was worth. By building an overly elaborate school in every village and city in his domain, he was not only able to spread his love for her work, but also earn higher tax revenue from the citizens in the future. After all, most would have better jobs, their infrastructure improving. With that money, he could spend more on them.

With these massive donations, Savino was eventually recognized by the holy temple after citizens proclaimed he was a "saint". They were in awe of his leadership skills and utter kindness that they convinced themselves to offer him the highest honor they could. They had even sent their youngest high priest to deliver the news, telling the brunette he had a chance to try to touch the holy sword. Given to them by Isaia, the god of the light, it was said only the noblest of heroes could ever wield it. Only accepting the ownership of a noble and pure-hearted master, it would reject any others that sought to defile it.

Even the invitation was honor enough, but when the brunette sought out (Y/n)'s opinion, she gave that look of curiosity in her eyes. Though withdrawn, she held her fingers to her lip. He knew what she was thinking. It was a fairytale, just like the ones she wrote. That was when he began to think that maybe being given the "saint" title wasn't enough. Rather, if he were able to wield the celestial sword, he would become the holy knight. Wouldn't that excite her? As such, he accepted.

Though he was young, only twelve years old, he accepted the offer, a grand ceremony being held. He walked on a long red carpet to the sword, the thing held on a pillow placed in the grand priestess's hands. Even she, the highest of all holy people, couldn't touch it. With a gaze filled with greed, he approached it, every noble and foreign royal there to witness him accept it. He had made sure the (h/c) haired girl was in the front seats.

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