Psychologist's Journal: Entry 2

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To be certain, the platinum-haired boy was more than unsettled by the thought of going back to that therapist. He had never imagined a doctor would be so manipulative or harm his clients. Though he was young, he fully understood the male's fascination with him, and it didn't bode well. It wasn't that he was frightened of him or at all had particular emotions tied to him. The boy didn't care about who he was as an individual. Rather, he was wary of what he could do.

That being said, going to his session did have a large reward. After the event, his father had come to collect him, and he was brought home to see his favorite person in the world. Or rather, the only person he truly cared for. She gave a large smile and hugged him tightly as excited to see him as a puppy left alone all day. He couldn't help but make the start of his own grin, but quickly wiped it off his face once he remembered the previous events of the day. He didn't want her to look at him like that.

Placed in a confused state of mind, the male practically ignored the younger girl as a new emotion seeped into him. Fear was most unwelcome to him, acting as a barrier to his typically free life. Whereas he'd usually leap at the chance to play make-believe games with her, he was halted from it, wondering if he would enjoy himself to the point of smiling. No, he couldn't even call it that. The way the doctors and nurses looked at him, he was some kind of animal. Should (Y/n) have looked at him the same, he wouldn't have been able to take it.

Lost in his thoughts, the boy gave a squeak of surprise when his cheeks were squeezed together. Closing his eyes quickly before blinking repeatedly, he tilted his head at the younger girl doing such a thing. She pouted as she looked at him, something he didn't understand. When she did that, wasn't she upset? But what could she have been upset about? Frightened, his mind jumped to the conclusion that he must have smiled.

Pushing her away and turning his back on her, bringing his knees to his back, he cowered. He held his arms over his head as if would protect her thoughts on him. The boy just wanted her to love him and hold her as close to herself as he held her. He didn't want to be pushed away. No, he wanted to be accepted. Fear was not fun, not in the slightest. Shaking his head, he wished for it to fade away. Surely that would have been better than thinking he would be alone again. If he could have, he would have traded away his newfound emotions to return to the doll he used to be. At least then he could have done what he wanted without fear of consequences.

However, it seemed that the younger girl had other ideas. She draped her arms around his shoulders, placing her chin on his head as though he was acting perfectly normal. He had believed she was mad at him, but if she was, wouldn't she have just let him wallow in his own self-pity? Confused, the male shook his head, prompting the (h/c) haired girl to squeeze tighter onto him.

"Let's go play?" she asked, tugging on his arm with a tilt of the head.

"Don't wanna..."

The boy brought his knees into his chest and sighed heavily, trying to avoid doing anything that could make him smile. It worried him that sometimes, he didn't even know he was doing it. If he were to play with her, no doubt he would have accidentally slipped up, and if he was too focused on not smiling, she would have noticed and scolded him again. It was too risky, and he preferred to err on the side of caution even if the girl beside him was a bit disheartened.

Truth be told, the young boy had no real idea of how long he wanted to - or would even be able to - keep distancing himself from her. Days passed, and eventually, he found that his heart hurt, leading to his lack of will to do anything. Even if he saw her at school, it wasn't like they were in the same grade, so they weren't near one another except for at lunch, and lately, she had begun to spend that time with other girls her age. She must have picked up that he didn't want to be contaminated by her joy.

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