M. Geisha x F. Reader

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Beautiful was he, with sparkling and pure long white hair and exotic violet eyes. Dressed in only the most elaborate of traditional wear, the male entranced all that peered at his radiant form. A lovely grin on his face, he strolled around and let the people rest their weary eyes on him. As if a magical presence, he filled them up again with energy, prompting them to almost burst with dazzling spirit and vigor.

The male was often treated as a national treasure, kept away from commoners as often as possible. Perhaps that was why he took a strange fascination with them. Prideful though he may be, he enjoyed speculating on what life would be like as a simpleton. Nonetheless, he was not indulging in such a strange guilty pleasure at the moment. Instead, he was parading about the emperor's home, gazing at all kinds of beauties.

Two palace servants stood behind him. One of them held a royal blue parasol over his head to shade his pale skin from the sun while the other fanned him delicately, careful not to touch his form. The male looked at them with interest, but they were boring to him. It was not what he expected when he had been told the empress wished to see him perform for her. Truth be told, he would have preferred to go to the city's center and relish in a culture he had not seen much of.

It was fairly often when he performed for the rulers of their nation. He was often welcomed to the palace with open arms, treated to the finest as if he was their son. His manners and traditional arts were perfected to a degree of a royal, but he was hardly one. Still, the job came with benefits: many, many benefits. He didn't mind it at all, relishing in the luxury he was presented.

Humming, the male walked with perfect posture, his hands in his kimono to keep himself warm from the coming fall. He stared over the immaculately built red bridge, watching as rushing water surged under his feet. It was a strangely calming sight. Continuing along on his walk, the male made up his mind. Taking his umbrella from one of the servants, he wandered along by himself, shooing them off when they tried to chase after him.

"Kyoden, dear boy, where are you going?" a woman questioned, walking with posture as straight as his, regally taking dainty steps with two lines of maids towing behind her.

The white-haired male dipped his head respectfully, twirling his umbrella behind him. The empress gave a chuckle, placing her gloved hands to her red-tinted lips. She was an elegant and graceful being, commanding respect, and with a grin, he gave it to her. She and her husband were great patrons of the arts, especially when it came to him. After all, they had spent more than a small fortune on him. No, it was a very large one, but well worth the investment.

"I wish to see the people," he chuckled, his voice like a song on the wind, pleasing to the ear in a fascinating manner, "Surely your royal majesty would not mind it?"

"Not at all, but you must be here for dinner. We've prepared a fine feast for guests of ours from afar nations. If all goes well, they shall be awed by your beauty and provide a fine agreement toward a bright future."

"Of course. I look forward to it. I shall save my voice as well as I know it pleases the court."

"You must be flattered, Kyoden. No finer musician, singer, or tea pourer in the world."

The male chuckled, giving another respectful nod of the head to the woman. He then continued on his walk to the grand entrance to the palace. There, he would find a carriage and ride out to the capital's center. Perhaps he could sate his curiosity. The thought made a small smirk appear on his flawless features, a joy swelling inside of him. How pleasing it was to see the city fade pass by in the window of the carriage.

And when the wheels ceased to roll, he was granted the ability to leave the small entrappings of the area. It was as if a butterfly was being released from his cage, released to the world. However beautiful or harmful it may have been, he was able to see it without a lens. It was just pure the way it was, untainted by others attempting to steer him away from it. Despite the fact he feared it, he nonetheless stepped forward into the streets with a quaint smile.

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