M. Trust Fund Baby x F. Reader

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When he was born, his parents wanted nothing more than the best for him. The small baby boy born with golden hair was like the sun to them, their eyes glistening every time they looked at him. He was the only child they ever needed, and they never wanted another, more than content with their perfect representation of their love. And so, he was spoiled relentlessly as an only child.

Ever since he was born, he was given the best foods, entertainment, and anything he could have ever wanted. So he grew up in the concrete jungles of an eastern country, running around their estate with mischief and somewhat sadistic tendencies. Sometimes, just because he felt like it, he would push over servants and giggle at the expensive china they dropped, eager to see the results of their "clumsiness".

And there was nothing they could do. It was their word against his, and as the beloved only child of their employers, they could only endure it. Some of them held onto the belief that it was simply a childish phase of his or perhaps a plea for his parents' attention - in which he already received a surplus of. But any hope soon vanished when the young boy made friends with a more sadistic personality than him.

He followed him around like a puppy, staring at him with adoration, and did anything he could to gain his approval. First, he was repetitively ignored, the older male turning his head with a scoff at his attempts. That was when he gave a very amused chuckle at the way the servants scampered away from their young master. And so the abuse became more prominent, every single individual within the estate subject to the whims of the two mischievous and imp-like boys.

His parents were worried, reasonably so, as the harm then transferred from the servants to their son. And yet, he took every snide remark, malignant slap, and demeaning or menial chore his idol sent him off to do with a smile. He was happy. Maybe he didn't understand the harm inflicted on him was not normal. He hadn't had much interaction with other kids his age, after all, especially since - at that time - he was schooled privately in the comfort of his own home. Then again, something gave them the idea that he knew exactly what was happening, and loved it anyway. It was a mystery.

But they continued watching, scared to make him distance himself from them, silently hoping everything would fix itself with time. Becoming worse and worse, it escalated over the years, his attachment to his idol furthering. And tearing them apart was no longer an option, as, without seeing the older boy for more than a week, he regressed, and attempted to find a way to sneak out of the estate - something he was frighteningly good at.

He refused to do anything else when the older male wasn't with him, and when he was unable to even call him, he became filled with anger or hopelessness. No one truly knew why that was or why his reactions were so extreme. They simply were, and no psychiatrist or therapist could change that. In fact, they seemed to make it worse, the blonde often threatening them to shut their mouths before they lost their tongues.

And just when everything seemed hopeless, he suddenly changed. It was after the day of his tenth birthday. He seemed...calm. Though his friend would come and play with him, he was exactly the same whether he was there or not. Rather, he was happy with or without him, and most of the time, that happiness was proportional to the distance he was from his camera. As his father pointed it out, the boy couldn't do anything but blush and hide behind it, his eyes darting to the other side of the room.

"I'm glad you're excited about photography," his mother smiled, petting the boy's head lovingly while they sat at the table, eating coconut curry - her favorite.

The boy nodded his head quickly, holding the camera his father gifted to him to his heart. He looked a bit lost in thought, his eyes quivering with joyful emotion. His mouth was slightly agape in fascination, his mother using that to place a spoonful of curry there, the blonde jumping in surprise, but munching on it slowly nonetheless. Still, he remained silent, looking down at the screen of the camera. No photos were displayed, but he still looked at it with amazement, his face flushed.

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