M. Elven Royalty x F. Elven Royalty

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A silver-haired male rushed on the stone path towards his destination, his arms swinging back and forth as he sprinted. A concerned look on his face persisted, his need to hurry sending air to ripple the fine material of his cape. Though the start of the winter season, the cold air likely to nip at any running individual's skin, the man's fur shawl kept him quite warm. Perhaps it was also the adrenaline plaguing him which helped him remain toasty. The same could not have been said for the guards panicking while following behind him as best as they could.

He ignored their worried shouts, focused on one thing. Gritting his teeth in order to help him bypass his own physical limits, the male moved faster, trying more than anything to get there in time. Bursting through the doors, he found female servants stopping him, giving worried expressions. And though he thought about pushing them aside, he was unable to fight his inner conflict, wondering what would be best for the safety of the woman inside the room.

"The queen is in labor, your majesty. There's immense pain and the physicians need all the space they can get."

"Please think of the queen, my king," another servant begged, giving a pleading expression, "She cannot bear to see you after the last time. Please wait patiently."

The man gave a pained look, clenching his fists while he stared at the ground. However, he understood the situation more than anyone else. Besides the queen, anyway. They had been blessed with a child before, but on the day of its birth, it died. Not able to breathe, it perished before her eyes, suffocating slowly. She was devastated, forced to watch as it struggled to get a single breath of oxygen, its arms waving around as it bawled silently. The lights in its small eyes broke her and for the longest while, she locked herself in the queen's palace. It was as if she was ashamed to face him.

He had to forcefully break down the doors of the palace and trap her in her arms for her to speak to him, and even then, she would only cry. Heartbroken at the loss of the baby she had carried with her for nearly a year, she wanted to die alongside it. It was only due to his insistent interference and strenuous measures that she was able to appreciate life once more. And though it was their duty as the rulers of an ancient kingdom, they were surprised when she was found to be pregnant once more.

He was so incredibly worried. Fearful not only for the repercussions it would have on her body and health but for her state of mind as well. Should the child not make it, she wouldn't have recovered. But if given the choice, the male would rather have had his queen survive than any of their potential offspring. A child would be a welcome addition, and he had always wanted to have an entire castle filled with them, but it wasn't worth nearly as much as her.

"Your majesty!" a healer panicked, bursting through the doors to the room, a large cry emitting from it, bringing tears to the male's eyes, "A son has been born!"

"And (Y/n)?! What of her?!"

"The queen has fallen unconscious, but the physicians insist it's purely phycological. In fact, the bleeding is perfectly normal. Please, come see her, your majesty!"

The male didn't need to be told twice. Moving as fast as he could through the entranceway, he gazed at the beautiful woman laid on the bed. She looked a mess, her face contorted in pain and sweat covering her skin. Still, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on, and as he turned to look at the boy she had birthed being washed of any blood, he saw her looks had not skipped her son.

The boy had stunning golden hair - albeit very few strands of it - and silver eyes which hosted his tears. One of the nurses bowed to the king and presented the boy who had been dried and wrapped comfortably in a blemish-free wolf fur. He bawled relentlessly, but his father was relieved. Because it was a sign he was alive. His mother would have cried tears of joy when she looked at him. The only thing left was waiting for her to awaken so they could name the boy.

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