Noble Boy x F. Tutor

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Request made by adventurefan2020


(Y/n), as a mere commoner, was never destined to be a princess or even a duchess. And she was perfectly fine with that. After all, she worked her butt off to become a tutor through all of the years of her life, struggling to acquire education. However, her pride came from that struggle, holding her head up high from her life's work. Even given the opportunity to become an assistant teacher at a prestigious school meant for young nobles, she was more than satisfied with her position in life.

"Miss Iulian," a small noble boy questioned, holding the book above his head, "What does this mean?"

The young teacher sat the boy down at his seat as she skimmed the section he was confused about. Carefully and calmly, she explained the situation between the fourteenth emperor and his sons in the simplest of terms. The boy nodded with a focused gaze before he fully understood the concept. He then smiled and thanked her, packing up his books in his bag before his personal maid took them. Waving farewell, he scampered off, likely to go play at his manor.

It was satisfying to be a teacher. The (h/c) haired girl certainly thought so. At times, it could be a chore, but any job had such thoughts. To educate the bright future of tomorrow was demanding and time-consuming, just the way she liked it. Doing something as small as cleaning up the classroom was also rewarding, the girl placing the next day's materials to the side in anticipation of the main professor's needs.

Holding her own notes to her chest, she walked through the halls, smiling at the noble kids still lingering about. Some were too proud to throw a glance at her while others were glad to speak to an accomplished commoner. Either way, she continued to glisten the entire way to the dean's office, presenting her notes to the secretary before she was given papers intended for the teacher she worked under.

"I'm very sorry to tell you, Mr. Boucher," the dean said loudly, allowing the girl and sighing secretary to overhear, "Your son has denied every tutor we have been able to provide. Unless you'd like an assistant teacher or intern, I'm afraid I don't have any others to recommend."

"I'm at a bit of a loss myself," a man sighed, "but I am willing to take anyone at this point. Even a fellow noble child would do."

The (h/c) haired girl heard a crash emitting from the other side of the door, flinching at the sound it made. It sounded expensive. Yet there was no reaction from the other parties inside the room. They simply continued speaking as though nothing had happened at all. Only when they opened the door did she note that a small child must have been the culprit. He was in the midst of pouting, crossing his arms over his chest and haughtily looking down on everything in his way, including his own father.

"Miss Iulian," the dean coughed, a bit surprised by the young girl's presence, "I don't suppose you would like the challenge of handing a young boy?"

The girl looked at the boy once more, taking note of his aggravated features. He was grumpy and maltempered, but he was still a boy. At least, she had thought so, but the look he gave her was mature, clearly wise beyond his years. He even made the adults beside him look uncertain of themselves as if he could steal away their confidence with that look he had on his face.

"Miss Iulian?" another man repeated, presumably the boy's father.

"Ah, sorry! I'd be happy to tutor him, but I would have to do so after my classes for the day."

"We'd be happy to accommodate you. If at all possible, please come to this estate tomorrow. Introduce yourself to the guards at the front gate as Sosseki's tutor. Thank you very much, Miss Iulian!"

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