M. Cambion x F. Lover

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For years, ever since their time in the academy, Castisius and (Y/n) were inseparable. In class, she would sleep on his lap, ignoring the lecture, and outside of class, he would rest his head on her shoulder. Always hand in hand, they walked around campus with undying affection for one another. They were the school's power couple. He was the top student, setting records for his magic prowess and she was the most accomplished alchemist student. Though she didn't particularly care about attending, only really there because Castisius was, outside of school, she created some of the most groundbreaking discoveries.

Even after they graduated, they remained together. Inseparable, they never had a single attachment to anyone else. There were no scandals about them cheating or lying. Everything they did seemed so unrealistic, but, still, people couldn't get enough of their relationship. It was rare for two accomplished people to be so loyal to the other. And when they began wearing promise and then engagement rings, it became even more fascinating.

And, yet, after the two had moved in together for the first time, the (h/c) haired girl felt her heart break. For some time, the male had been murmuring about his magic power not being enough. She, of course, denied it, telling him he was the most incredible magic user, likely in the entire world. Yet, somehow, it wasn't enough for him. She had been concerned, but, that night, even after they took such a big step in their relationship, snuggling into one another, he began mumbling about it again.

He became obsessed with finding a way to become more powerful, greedy for anything more than he had. Over the next few months, he wouldn't even sleep in the same bed as her anymore. Instead, he would stay up for nights at a time in his study, researching and studying, studying and researching. He never got any further in his investigations, prompting him to become ever more frantic about making his desires come to fruition. All the while, she tried to comfort him, asking him what she could do, but he only told her that she just had to kiss him. That way, he could recharge. A little bit of (Y/n) went a long way.

Still, at some point, she refused. He stared at her, baffled, asking her what she meant, but she only gave him an ultimatum. It was either her or the magic research. Of course, Castisius did everything he could to convince her to stay with him a little longer. He promised he was on the cusp of a revelation; he would be ushering in a newfound power no one had ever seen the likes of. All he asked for was two weeks. To convince her, they spend their first intimate night together, bathing in their love for one another. Afterwards, two weeks passed. It was two weeks where he hadn't even shown his face or slept, all to meet that deadline. But, in the end, nothing came of it.

Again, she offered the ultimatum, and again, he begged her to stay a little longer. He began promising that he wouldn't work so much on the research. Rather, he promised her dates and all of his nights, but she couldn't bear to see him tear himself up anymore. So she made him give her an answer. He hesitated, but not nearly long enough to come off regretful. In the end, he had chosen magic, so she had to chase him out. It broke her heart, but it had to be done to get him to see his senses. As he left, she placed a loving kiss on his lips, telling him she would be waiting when he decided to give up.

Four years had passed and no one had seen any sight of him. There was no news, no sightings, no nothing. So, with a heavy heart - one she shared with a very special gift he left behind - she had to go on with her life. She found someone else, a man that was ordinary but loyal. His name was Therit. If she asked, he would stay home the entire day with her. Though she didn't love him nearly as much as she loved Castisius, it was a stable love, so it was worth leaning on. Another year passed with Therit before the news finally spread all over the country.

The already scarce wizards everywhere had begun dying on a massive scale. They were first found shriveled up, horrified expressions plastered on their faces. At first, people thought it was a serial killer, and while the term applied, it was more of a purposeful genocide. It was too late when they figured out someone was stealing magic. Far too late, when a war was waged on the one person doing the bone-chilling act, they didn't stand a chance. Time and time again, they sent armies and wizards alike to fight, and time and time again, they dropped and only added to his strength.

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