M. Mage x Assistant F. Reader

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There was one thing that was true of every era in which humans resided. The powerful usurped the right of the world from the weak. Thus, when mages were revealed to the more populated normal people, chaos ensued. With pathetic weapons used against their magical superiors, the mages emerged victorious with little effort on their part. The humans were then subjected to the whims of infuriated sorcerers.

Humans were delegated to specialized living, working, and eating zones. The mages took all food that was grown. Most gave it to mage cooks or subjected humans working under them to bake, cook, and serve the others. Of course, human servants were fed, but only the rations of what the mages didn't want. Treated like pigs, it was difficult for them to survive underneath the powerful and undefeatable conquerors. Many died of starvation or neglect of sustainable living needs while others died under the cruel treatment of the mages.

It was not unusual for humans to lead simple and yet submissive lives under the eyes of mage patrols meant to keep them under control. They were handed out jobs to do based on their natural abilities at the age of eighteen. Most were delegated to farming once they reached the age, but some were given the opportunities to have jobs working directly for the mages. Of course, it was dangerous, but it allowed for much better living circumstances not just for the individual, but their family as well.

Among these opportunities, most aimed to work at the illustrious Tower of Mages. A spiraled and marble building touching the very heavens, it was a sigh for the human's eyes. Magic radiated from it, the sight of some mages flying around or providing breathtaking spells to look at. There, mages were trained from ages five to their dying breath. The more promising a mage was, the higher up in the tower they resided, and as long as they craved the knowledge stored there, they would be taught there continually.

Nonetheless, on one of the bi-annual job choosings for the newly made eighteen-year-olds, a (h/c) haired girl was pushed in front of her assessor. A mage, it appeared, he scribbled down the girl's appearance in her chart, leading her to the testing chambers and sitting her down. As he placed his palm on her forehead, a faint symbol was engraved onto her skin. It was a mark of her non-mage status, and a way to peer into her mind for any future mage that wanted to.

The male scribbled down the girl's talents, abilities, and limitations by using a special spell. It was a simple enough process, and soon enough, the male was done, sending the younger girl away as he had the spell float away to the processing division. She then was subject to waiting until receiving her results. As she was handed them, she didn't open the envelope, wanting to reveal the conclusions with her family.

It was only her younger sister at that point and her aunt who was away working on a collection plant for potion and salve materials. It was safe to say that they were starved on food and water, unable to live without disease plaguing them. Still, as her aunt returned home, the (h/c) haired girl gave a nervous smile, hoping that she would be able to help her family. The three huddled up on the dusty floor, staring at the writing on the paper. Her siblings were elated.

"You're going to the mage tower!" they shouted, crying tears of joy, "We'll be saved!"

The younger girl gave a nervous smile, hoping and begging that she wouldn't die in the process of being an assistant. The next day, she made her journey to the Tower of Mages, subjected to numerous searches and told demeaning things as a second-class citizen. However, when she finally arrived, she was loaded onto a strange device that teleported her to the floor she was expected on.

A woman stood there, elderly and maltempered. She held her head up high, pointing her chin down at the (h/c) haired girl, demeaning her in some way or another. The younger girl stared at the ground ahead of her and curtsied respectfully, holding up the tattered dress she wore. The woman clicked her tongue and dragged the younger girl to be bathed and placed in a human assistant's uniform, consisting of a black dress and short white coat, the edges covered in gold embroidery. The symbol of the Tower of Mages was on the back of her coat and on her upper right breast.

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