M. Colonizer x F. Colonizer Reader

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 Humanity and the world as we knew it had advanced far past what people had ever anticipated. They had colonized different planets with masterfully crafted space gear to thrive no matter the conditions. Take, for instance, planets such as Venus. The red planet, filled with a sulfuric atmosphere and devastatingly hot, more than just volcanically so. The devastating wind speeds could tear apart a human in mere seconds, blowing random debris through their chest or other extremities.

It was a challenging planet to colonize, and because of its extreme weather patterns, only a few could withstand it. Obviously, the human race had their resource planets to acquire stronger elements, particularly of the metal variety. Resistant to erosion, heat, even sharp objects, the metal could be transformed into ships. The ships would then dock onto the surface of the planet with a small talented crew. Of course, with each difficulty level of the planet, the talent of the crew would need to be upgraded.

On each home planet - of which there were many compared to the number of experiential planets - children were each tested for their capabilities. The most talented were given the best treatment, soon to be sent off to different planets in which to provide both resources and information to the home planet. The colonizers were the most respected of all humankind, especially those with the most discoveries under their belts and the best heads on their shoulders. There were three kinds of colonizers.

The first was the helm. There was one in every group of colonizers. They were the supposed leader, the one that piloted the main ship towards their directed planet and the one that kept the sect together. The helm received almost all of the credit for the species, elements, and other discoveries made, being the one to report back to the leaders of home planets. Still, it prompted mutiny if a helm usurped another colonizer's credit, meaning that they needed to be modest and put others before themself.

The second kind of colonizer was the researcher. They were responsible for all ship repairs from the main system's malfunction to the construction of new appliances for the colonizers. In much the same way, if there was need for more supplies accessible on the planet, it was their responsibility to harvest the resources. Should the supplies not be open to their planet, they would need to contact their home planet for more resources.

The last colonizer was the patrol. They were the ones that protected the ship from any threats, human or not. Disposing of unknown species that posed harm to the other colonizers or poisonous materials, they were the most physically fit of all humans. Most were trained to be loyal and obedient to their helm and to be able to administer first aid for countless harms. Also responsible for the emotional state of their colonizers, they were thought of as both soldiers and nurses alike.

In any case, the colonization of one of the most intense planets, named Quelta-7, was on the main home planet's agenda. They had sent a group of the most talented humans to colonize it as it was one of the most peculiar of all. The production of the ship had been completed with help of the best engineers from many different home planets. It had been sent to Queluta-7 along with its colonizers approximately one year prior to the current moment when word had just gotten back to the main home planet.

Supposedly, half the crew had perished by unknown means, leaving there to be a sizable chunk out of the capabilities the colonizers possessed. They were at risk for whatever species had killed them, and they only had two patrols remaining, meaning other colonizers needed to be sent immediately. The worldwide search for the best candidates began immediately, the best of the best brought to a resilient spaceship.

Among these was a (h/c) haired girl, a bright individual who had both the capacity for becoming a helm or a researcher. Thus, as she and others, mainly girls, were loaded onto the ship, they were put into hibernation so they wouldn't need more resources than they were taking to the planet. Food was to be spared, after all. With the advanced near lightspeed technology, they arrived quickly, the ship steered on autopilot into the opening airlock. As it closed, the toxic atmosphere was sucked out and replaced with the oxygen in the rest of the base.

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