Imprisoned Incubus x F. Ration Reader

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"Give her back!" a deafening roar echoed, banging echoing through the stone halls, "You fuckers! Get your queen bitch here now!"

The male threw himself against the metal bars that kept him from taking back his chosen female. He had been at it for hours, his screaming never subsiding, only escalating in rage and fury. Nothing seemed to deter him, not even receiving a lack of victims. Being starved had the opposite effect and while it weakened him, it only made his thirst increase. He practically foamed at the mouth while he resisted, refusing to give up.

However, it was more than likely that no one except the lackluster guards could hear him, and even then, they probably didn't care. They had been trained to block out his kind's nonsensical screaming, especially when they were hungry and weak. It wasn't as if they would have died from a lack of intercourse. They just would have been far more prone to violence, their lustful nature driving them to the point of insanity.

He was underground with many others like him, all of the male variety. They were treated like animals, namely because they were. Unlike succubi, they could barely control their desires and often lashed out for blood, harming either themselves or others in the process. For the safety and protection of the succubi species, they were relentlessly hunted and imprisoned. To ensure they couldn't escape from the fortified defenses, they were starved from sex. After all, that was how they received their strength and other powers.

That being said, if the succubi had taken away all forms of sex, the incubi would have been driven insane, and any chance of repopulating their species would cease to exist. Even if they preyed on humans due to their need for sex, they were unable to reproduce with them. As such, they were given what could have been called rations. Human women were abducted and held in their own separate prisons. Once a month, the incubi were given one to sate their needs. That should have prevented any complications.

However, the succubi were presented with one of the most troublesome features of their species. It was relatively uncommon in either gender, though males were typically far more resistant to it. Still, some could form deep attachments to humans to the point where they refused to reproduce with their own kind or use any other human for gratification. While it typically wouldn't have been a problem, there was one individual that was incredibly concerning, threatening the succubi's lives.

"I'll kill you all!" he growled, attempting to yank against the collar fastened onto his neck despite the fact it choked him, "She's mine! Mine! Bastards!"

The male's eyes were wide, his breathing ragged, and he only became more animalistic the more he was kept away from his chosen female. He had already killed his cellmate, the male smelling the rotting odor of putrid blood. It infuriated him to think that the damned succubi hadn't come to get rid of him. That had been the whole reason he had killed him. Well, besides the bloodlust he had from the absence of the (h/c) haired girl. In any case, should they have come to remove the corpse, they would have heard his protests and he would have made sure they wouldn't ignore him.

It was only lucky for him that the guards made their way to his cell. He smirked, his sharp teeth prominent and threatening to the females. Even if his power was significantly depleted, his frightening state of mind made them hesitant to approach him. It may have also been that it was near ration day for him as well. Even if it was only one round, he would have had much more power than a succubus, and it was greatly intimidating.

The male's smirk was wiped off his face the moment he saw the supposed warden of the prison he was held in. She was just a normal succubus, but she was harsh and cruel, not that he cared. However, she was the one in charge of rations, and he had made it abundantly clear he wanted a specific individual. Being cocky likely wouldn't have done him any good, but he could hardly help it. She had it coming. The woman was a mega-bitch.

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