(Secondary) Elemental Series: M. Raiju x F. Spirit Hunter

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The southeastern city of Ōkezu had been flattened to the ground. Rumors spread like wildfire about how lightning suddenly rained down on them, striking everything in the area. The straw buildings burned, trapping the residents inside and burning them to a crisp. It was said that in the span of a single day, a storm cloud plagued the area. Then in the next, there wasn't a sound for miles. Even wildlife was killed.

"Well, what do you think?" a masculine voice hummed, holding the sword at his hip with boredom and apprehension both.

As the three individuals stood in front of what used to be Ōkezu, they saw that the rumors were not false. The storm clouds blocked out any and all sun shining through it, the sound of thunder rumbling above them. Though the fires started by the lightning storm had faded, the plant life was shriveled and turned to ash. Corpses of deer were rotting as well, but as even the wolves had been subjected to the same fate, nothing had devoured them, leaving the pungent smell to linger.

The male with the sword on his hip bent down and touched a corpse of a previous village resident. And as they had perished quite a long while ago, the blood on their severe burns were coagulated. He rubbed his fingers together, looking up at the sky with a sigh. His armor clinked together as he stood up and he immediately turned to look at the mage of the group. He was mainly quiet, but beyond frightened every time lightning struck down on the burnt earth.

"This isn't good," a (h/c) haired girl hummed, looking at the vulnerability of her teammates, "We're not well adapted to lightning."

"What else can we do? We can't just leave this thing to run rampant. I can always take off my armor."

"Without it," the other male spoke quietly, holding his staff tightly, "you're vulnerable, and if you are, you can't protect us. (Y/n)'s right. She'd be the only one that could take it on, but if it's a high-level spirit, she wouldn't be able to defeat it. I'm not sure we should take on this case."

As a mage, the younger male specialized mainly in earth magic while he had a minor talent for air magic. Thus, his vulnerability lay in lightning, and due to the presence of clouds and the unnatural presence of heavy storm clouds and ripe thunder, no doubt the spirit belonged to that element. And with an armor made of metal, the swordsman that accompanied him wasn't any better at withstanding such things. In fact, he would only be able to act as a lightning rod.

Shaking his head, the swordsman had no ability to deny the remarks made. It was true that the (h/c) haired archer was talented but by herself, it would be difficult to take down a spirit. And if it happened to be a powerful and ancient one, she would likely die before she could lay her eyes on it. That being said, should the spirit continue its rampage, it wouldn't just stop at that one village. The storm clouds were already moving north, after all. It would just continue destroying everything under its feet.

"I will try," the girl noted with a determined expression, "but if it becomes too much, we'll have to retreat."

"Shout if it's too much. I'll use teleportation to get us out of here."

The mage sighed as he moved his hand to the side, his staff glowing a bright green. The (h/c) haired girl was lifted with the power of flight, being flung up to the clouds. Though thunder plagued the sky and lightning struck constantly, she was fine the moment she crossed through the clouds. Setting her feet upon the fluffy material, the girl wandered towards the giant ball of crackling lightning.

It was blue in color, giving off a piercing sound that didn't fade even when she placed her hands over her ears. And while it was not noticeable what kind of spirit the being was at that point in time, the closer she strayed, the more obvious it became. The spirit was rather small, curling itself up into a ball as though protecting itself. She heard the bawling or wailing of what appeared to be a child, throwing her off guard for just a moment. However, she quickly sharpened her mind and focused on the task at hand.

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