Victim x Bully

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The (h/c) haired girl chuckled with her companions as she enjoyed an iced coffee her little slave had fetched her. He had whined about it being far too early for him, but in the end, he had listened. It couldn't have been that hard in the first place if he actually did it. She scoffed, untwisting her legs before placing them back down, her right foot placed over the other upon her own personal ottoman. It squeaked at first but remained silent when she glared at it fiercely.

The boy, a bluenette with soft cyan eyes, remained under her feet, as he did most days. Nonetheless, he remained silent, not daring to say a peep. And yet, for all of his efforts, when she grew bored of his boring emotionless reaction, she took her coffee and dumped it on his head, flicking the cup to his forehead as well. In doing so, the male flinched and shivered, the cold feeling of the liquid seeping into his overly expensive uniform. The whites of the fabric were stained with the coffee, the male certain to get a thorough scolding when the teacher arrived.

"What's wrong?" the girl cooed sarcastically, squeezing the male's cheeks together, "I only thought a nice shower would get rid of your pathetic stench. It's only a shame I didn't have any water, so I had to make do, but you'll forgive me, won't you, Yuuto?"

The male's cheeks flared a bright pink as she caressed his face. Her grip on him then suddenly lessened, and she lovingly stroked his face, giving him a concerned expression as tears flooded down her face. She removed her feet from his back and moved to the floor quickly, her companions pretending to look elsewhere as she did so. They coughed awkwardly, suppressing the desire to interrupt the scene.

(Y/n) practically shook as she hugged the boy, noting each and every bandage on his hands alone. It made her sniffle and bend down to hold the boy's hand to her forehead. Seeing him in such a state gave her cause to tremble. The sight broke the boy's heart. He held her tightly to his chest, nuzzling her head while murmuring that it would be alright. As she wept, he continued to support her, despite her wish to protect him in such a manner.

"What happened to you? Who did that? Why didn't you tell me? I-I...Yuuto...please!"

The bluenette held her tighter to him, kissing away her tears. She was so delicate, so very vulnerable. The poor thing had no recollection of what was going on. It had been days since she'd last emerged in such a manner. Her own mind a trap, she was chained inside it, another piece of her tearing apart what she held the closest to her heart. How was he supposed to abandon her when she was in such a state?

"It's alright, (Y/n). It'll be just fine. I just fell down. I'll be better before you know it."

The younger girl looked up at him with misty eyes. Leaning into his touch, she accepted his words, desperately wishing him pleasure above all. With only a few blinks, he had turned from a young and innocent boy to a responsible young man. If only she could have been his protector forever, but he became her protector before she knew it. It hurt. And he could see it in her eyes that it hurt. But he couldn't help beyond giving her a warm embrace or speaking some calming words to ease her fears.

He lovingly continued to ease her tears, rocking her back and forth with a focused but soft gaze. All he wanted was to bring this her to the surface; to let her be as she was when they were younger; the true her. But he couldn't do that. He couldn't even help her get a psychiatrist, her alter-ego halting him from even trying. Telling others was futile, he knew that well. So, at the very least, he should have protected her in that state. That was the right thing to do...wasn't it? Wasn't it?

Before he was able to catch the answer he'd been chasing for so long, the male felt a hand on his cheek for a split second. After pausing, the pain surged in, the bluenette seeing red. He let out a yelp, pressing two fingers to his philtrum, narrowing his eyes in disappointment when he felt something wet. Pulling it away, he was given even more confirmation that she had yet again broken his nose. He wasn't so much hurt by the abuse he was given. Rather, he was in pain over letting the vulnerable version of her slip through his arms. She was gone again...and he didn't know when she was going to return. So he wept.

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