M. Bioweapon x F. Scientist

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In a room, isolated from any form of civilization - not that much was left of it anyway - important individuals sat. They were the ones that controlled food production; an important part of life in that disconcerting time. War was rampant, and it was as if people reverted to their barbaric origins, killing and slaughtering individuals for seemingly no reason. Food was the only thing that gave you legitimate power. Guns were useless if the person holding them was starving to death.

They stared on with great interest, wondering if they were finally going to receive a failsafe. After years of uncertainty and sleepless nights, one young woman had promised them the impossible; a future. Of course, it didn't apply to everyone. In fact, only those that were in that room could count on the hope. That being said, they were the ones that exerted all of their rare resources towards the production of their safety.

And as the scientist walked in, they stared with bated breath. The (h/c) haired woman was young, remarkably so, especially considering the promise she had made to her so-called patrons. Her hair flowed behind her as though it was trapped in time, her white loosened jacket dirtied with, what appeared to be, soot or oil. She was quite confident in her step, elating the hearts of those seated at the remote location.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for meeting me out here today," the young woman spoke, "I believe I have accomplished what we have all been anticipating. Please, allow me to introduce T-20a, but for simplicity's sake, I call him Sivith."

Upon pressing a button, the reinforced steel doors to the room opened after numerous security checks. The sight of a human being then appeared, but the closer he came, it became obvious that he was not human. Though he did appear much the same as one, it was uncanny. That being said, it put the individuals in the room more at ease to see it possessed mainly human qualities rather than none or only a few.

"What can it do?" someone piped up, giving doubts about the power of the device before them.

"An understandable question," the young woman hummed, motioning to the bioweapon standing obediently behind her, "I've constructed him to have free will in terms of speaking in which he can speak fluently in numerous languages."

"What good will that do? It's supposed to be a weapon, not a conversationalist."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand," the woman huffed, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest, "but if you must know, he is equipped with numerous weaponry advancements, including the ability to learn and adapt. In terms of combat, he is more efficient than a nuclear bomb - of which he is capable of producing - but with much less waste and more specific eradication options."

Those in the room began discussing the possibilities that the weapon could provide. However, it was clear that many were skeptical about what she had claimed. After all, she was only one of two people working on the weapon. The only thing she didn't do in order to create him was gather the raw materials, but she refined all of them and used them to create something extraordinary.

"As for orders, he'll only take them from those with absolute authority of which there are only two at the moment. That would be me and my assistant. However, he is capable of acknowledging others as authority holders. Still, I can tell many of you aren't interested in this. So, rather than explaining everything, why don't I just show you? Please, follow me."

The entire room quickly stood up in curiosity, following the young woman out to the wasteland. It was desolate of life, not even the plant life remaining. As such, it was difficult to find a target for the bioweapon, but he nonetheless stood ready for any instructions the girl behind him may have given him. His posture was rigid and tight as though he was nothing but a robot, when in fact, he was fully organic.

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