M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress (Part 2)

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Two young boys bowed before the royal throne, their elaborate gowns showing their position in the court. A zither sat in front of the one on the right while the one on the left had a flute. Both waited for the two royal rulers before them to speak or give them instruction. In the meantime, they tried not to let their eyes wander to the flashy outfits in the court, the younger of the two failing in that attempt. However, he quickly snapped to attention when the emperor raised his hand, allowing them to sit up from bowing.

The two then readied themselves, the younger of the two bringing the flute to his lips while the other held his hands over the zither. Beginning to play with the utmost passion, the music ran through the imperial court, allowing pleasant music to swirl in the ears of everyone present. Some sipped relaxing tea while enjoying the melody, while others sat still with their eyes closed, envisioning serene imagery. Either way, there wasn't anyone there who thought there was even a minor imperfection in the way they played.

Even their teacher could do nothing but sit still. For children their age, they progressed quickly. Then again, it was expected for their noble bloodline. He was honored to have such talented students, especially ones that could please the emperor with their music. Delighted when they finished, the male clapped his hands together, the rest of the court following their example. The two boys bowed before lifting their heads, the younger of the two impatiently moving his feet while staring at the empress. When she smiled, the boy scampered up to the throne and placed himself in her arms, snuggling to her tightly.

"Well done," she sighed, raking her hands through the boy's long black hair, "You've been practicing a lot, haven't you?"

"I have as well, imperial mother," the older boy whined, kneeling beside the woman's throne and looking up with hopeful brown eyes.

"I agree," the two boys' music tutor nodded, bowing before the emperor and empress, "The princes are making much progress in their studies. It pleases me greatly to have such talented students. Is there anything your imperial majesties would like me to have them learn?"

The empress shook her head. She, as well, had been tutored in music by the man before them. The emperor had insisted on it, wanting her to explore hobbies she could participate in despite her lack of sight. He had made the decision to push her onto music as it could help her navigate through touch and sound. Not to mention, he enjoyed performing with her, guiding her hands to the right keys in an intimate and loving manner. That being said, when it came down to it, she was not as taken with it as her sons were.

"I want to play a song with imperial mother," the younger of the two princes whined, fiddling with his flute coyly, "Wouldn't royal father agree?"

"I would, Wei. I would very much agree. But the empress must despise the thought of performing with me."

"Y-Your imperial majesty!" the woman shivered both in frustration and guilt, "You must not relegate yourself to performing for others! It is - "

"I'm very well aware, my love, but it is always entertaining to see you upset."

"How could I - "

The emperor chuckled, the empress quieting herself and blushing in embarrassment. It wasn't often she raised her voice at him and even rarer when in front of the court. However, she was aware he would never reciprocate that anger. He simply wanted her to express her own opinions without lowering herself to him. The two princes enjoyed seeing their mother in such a way as well. She was talented and disciplined, but to a point where she appeared submissive. Rather than that, she was loyal beyond words to her beloved emperor.

"What would you boys like to eat tonight?"

"Fried rice and duck a-and dumpling soup and - "

"We would like anything our royal father gives us!" the older prince interrupted, receiving a pat on his head from his mother to his delight.

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