M. Emperor x F. Palace Servant (Part 2)

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The palace was all ablaze with chitters and squeals. After five years, another prince had been born to the emperor to Imperial Concubine Huan. She was rewarded immensely for giving him another son, and he appeared overjoyed for it. There was a party for his birth, and it was more luxurious than anyone had imagined. The emperor did adore his children, after all, and he would spare no expense for them.

As one of his maids, the (h/c) haired girl attended the party, serving rice wine to the nobles, consorts, and other high-ranking individuals. She had been eavesdropping on the conversations that happened and observing the little details in the room as she usually did. It wasn't as if she had anything better to do. However, she was fairly surprised when Shufen took time away from admiring his new baby brother to run up to her, his ruqun slowing him down just slightly.

"I hope you don't expect me to give you any alcohol, little highness," the girl teased, ruffling the boy's hair just slightly.

The ravenette chuckled and grabbed onto the maid's hand, almost causing her to lose balance of her serving tray. She panicked and tugged away in order to ensure nothing had fallen down. The girl would have been glowered at for daring to ruin the new prince's introduction to the palace, and she already had enough harsh looks from the rest of the consorts. If she could avoid trouble, she had decided it was best to take any precautions necessary to do so.

Shufen blushed brightly as he tugged her to the swaddled baby held by his father. His mother was right beside him, very pleased to be the first, besides the empress, to have given birth to a prince. She was still in the process of receiving gifts from the emperor, overjoyed by the amount he spent for the delivery of his second son. Gold and diamond jewelry, the best silks from the east side of the nation, countless beautifully embroidered dresses and umbrellas, etcetera. However, the emperor didn't seem to care about her reaction. It was only a formality, after all.

That being said, when the (h/c) haired girl approached with an eager ravenette tugging her along, he smiled, looking up from his new treasure. The maid bowed to show her respect, especially because of the glares she was receiving. It would have gone past the densest of minds in the palace, but to most, it was clear she received favoritism. No other maid or attendant would have gotten the honor of looking at the newborn prince let alone approaching the emperor to do so, led by his heir.

"Your imperial majesty," the girl bowed, waiting for the male to tell her to raise her head.

When he did - attempting to ignore the fact she couldn't call him by his name - she gave a shy chuckle, rubbing the back of her head. Even if she had been serving the ebony-haired royal for over a month, it was still unnerving to be in his presence. She never quite knew what he was thinking, and frankly, after what he did to her father - however deserving it was - she felt as if he harbored a grudge against her. Still, he had never been harsh with her, just pushy and demanding from time to time.

"I want (Y/n) to see Shen!" the small ravenette giggled, standing on his tiptoes to look at the baby's face.

An unreadable expression was placed on the emperor's face. He looked to Imperial Concubine Huan and then to the baby in his arms, finally gazing at (Y/n) with a clear struggle in deciding. However, he had a strange urge to see how a newborn looked in her arms. Without consulting the child's mother, he sat down the younger girl and gently placed the small baby in her arms.

Her expression changed to one of shock, and though she attempted to refuse the overly kind gesture, he was far too stubborn for her to get her point across. As such, she accepted when the baby was rested in her arms, cradling its head and taking note of its features. He possessed such beautiful autumn hair and golden eyes, his chuberic cheeks prompting her to light up with joy.

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