Y. Country Boy x F. Model x Tsu. Classmate

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"Celio, you best be on your way or you're gonna miss the plane!" the boy's mother called out loudly, making him tense up, "Mrs. Scipio is here and I'm 'bout to tell her to go on and leave you!"

He had already been panicking over getting everything he needed, especially since he wouldn't be back until he graduated. Between figuring out what magazines he wanted to take and trying to stuff as much as he could into his bag, he was at a loss for what to do. With only one suitcase and a backpack, how was he supposed to take everything he needed? If only he could have moved his room in the attic to the city. Although, since it wasn't possible and he was short on time, he decided to grab both of the bags and sling them over his shoulders, practically jumping down the flights of stairs.

Upon passing the porch, he gave a quick kiss to both his ma and pa before hopping in the car, thanking the nice woman for helping him out. No one in the area had a car except for her who lived a fair distance away. She was nice enough to volunteer to take him to the airport. He couldn't very well show up there on his bicycle, after all, and a horse was even worse. So he was more than grateful she had driven thirty minutes to grab him and two hours more to the airport. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have been able to go.

"I picked this up for you," the woman smiled, handing the boy the newest magazine that had come to her convenience store, "You still collect these, right? The ones with our little lady?"

"It's embarrassing if you put it that way, miss. It's just nice to see what she looks like. I mean, 'course she sends me pictures in the mail and all, but this is what she left for. Gotta support her, right?"

"That's the spirit, kiddo. But, wowie has she grown up well. That man was right to take her away. She sure was cute being on the farm and all but that's where she belongs. Now I guess you're leaving too."

"No way! I can't leave Pa to do all the heavy work himself. I'm not any good at anything else! I'm just going to get a little smarter before I come back. And...maybe I'll take (Y/n) back, too, while I'm at it. She said she misses it here."

"Nah, that girl belongs in a nice big old city. But tell her to visit for the holidays or something every now and then."

The brunette nodded. It would have been nice if she came back to the farm. Their fathers had always been as close as brothers, so it was natural that their kids became close as well. And though his father owned the farm, (Y/n)'s family worked on it, too. They were all really happy there and the memories of his childhood were the best. Of course, it wasn't that he was unhappy at that moment in time, but it would have been nice if she were there, too.

In spirit, she had always been with him. Even as she got noticed by a modeling agent and became incredibly popular even as a child, whisked away to a city halfway around the world, she still sent letters. She told him what it was like there and how scary it was at first before becoming extremely interested in her new surroundings. Technology was something that really interested her, not that he understood it all that well. He really only knew what was on the farm and what was in the town fifteen miles away, and that wasn't much.

Regardless, she finally offered to take him in so he could join her in the city. Going to a school instead of being taught at home, walking around amidst massive skyscrapers, and even getting to know what she knew; it was all surreal. As he was dropped off at the airport, he eagerly awaited when he would arrive. The entire flight, he couldn't sleep, far too excited to get off and see the person he loved more than anyone else. And when that time came, he was the first one off the plane, rushing out at top speed to see her.

As he noticed her waiting for him in front of the airport, holding a sign above her head with his name on it, he almost couldn't believe it. Holding his breath, he really took in the sight of her. He'd seen her grow up in all the magazines she'd been in, but...it really was something else to see it in person. How beautiful she'd gotten. Her hair was treated so much better, even styled professionally, and the outfit she wore was - what he assumed - expensive. But, regardless, he wasted no time in sprinting towards her and grabbing her in a massive hug, holding her up in his arms.

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