M. Emperor x F. Blind Empress

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The Bai Dynasty was involved in a political struggle so intense that not even the young princes or princesses were spared from it. Most perished in the struggle, the empress dowager - the former emperor's mother - attempting to take over the country for herself. Due to this greed she possessed, her grandchildren were the first sacrificed. Whether it be poison, a blade, or assassins descending upon them, they died in horror, some as young as two years old. Just because a royal was older, it didn't mean they survived longer. Within a year, most of the former emperor's children were murdered in cold blood.

    Yet, when all seemed as though the empress dowager would come out victorious, one young prince survived. He was clever for his age, but that was not the reason he survived. It was all due to the beautiful mind of the fourth daughter of Lord Liang who helped him not just endure but flourish. A master with the bow, she acted as his sword and shield, defending him and acting on his commands. She saved him from poison, taking the cups for herself to prevent him from suffering. She saved him from would-be murderers, fighting them off. She saved him from himself, comforting him in his darkest moments.

    But most of all, when the empress dowager tried to take the prince's life with her own hands, launching a sword to his face, the (h/c) haired girl threw herself in front of him. Her right eye was pierced, allowing her to launch a counterattack and strike the woman down. However, in the process, she lost her left eye as well, collapsing, near death. Due to her heroic actions, the prince rose to the throne as the sole survivor of the political instability in the royal family. Crowned emperor at a young age, he encountered many who sought to use him, but he was clever, and he learned to control the imperial palace quickly.

    He grew into an emperor adored by his people and one the nobles could not touch. When he grew to be of age, countless of them attempted to place concubines by his side, and per (Y/n)'s instruction, he did not refuse. After all, they were his hostages and ways to keep an eye on the nobility without having to go to them. That being said, he was not very fond of the harem in the first place. If not for the (h/c) haired girl, he never would have allowed it. She offered a reward that he did not want to refuse; giving herself up to be his as well.

    Though she was perfectly content being a regular concubine, he was not. In fact, the silver-haired male threatened to abdicate if she accepted such a lowly position. Instead, he proposed her becoming the empress, but even then, she was hesitant. The girl had been blinded and was thus no longer considered a viable option for marriage. She warned him that it would cause an uproar in the nobles, but he stated he didn't care, that they could be executed for all he cared. So, with a concerned heart, she accepted the position, and within a week, she became his official wife and the mother of the empire.

    "(Y/n)," Jian Bai sighed, petting the girl's cheek lovingly, "If you aren't feeling well, you should tell me. This could have been treated before morning."

    The empress turned over, her skin scalding hot to the touch. She didn't speak, simply attempted to bear with the pain, the silver-haired male behind her sighing and exiting the bed. Summoning for the imperial doctor, servants dressed him lightly as he ordered, the young man's hair brushed out to be free from any knots. He looked as regal as always, but a saddened look plagued his features. It was unusual for an emperor to adore their empress so much, but then again, he did personally choose her to have such an esteemed position.

    "Your imperial majesty," the (h/c) haired girl coughed, gathering up the strength she had to kneel on the ground in order to greet the male.

    He frowned, lifting her off of the ground to lay back on the bed. She was loyal to a fault, something that practically no one else in the imperial city had in common. However, despite the year and a half she had been his empress, she still lowered herself to greet him. He wished she would have taken advantage of her position to indulge. After all, she had given up everything to place him safely on the throne. She deserved to be spoiled by him and given back more than she ever sought to give.

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