M. Guardian Angel x F. Reader

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A bundle of nerves. He was hopped up on the idea of having his very first assignment. It was a joyous job, his soul bound to the person he was given to watch over. Relatively young compared to many of the others, he panicked about the quality of protection he could give to the individual he had the pleasure of watching over. Then again, he had been praised by many of his seniors, told he had a bright future ahead of him.

"Akane," a whistle came, the boy's head turning quickly to the male who called him, "Lookie, lookie what I got for you."

The light platinum-haired boy popped his head up, all but sprinting to jump towards the older man. He hugged him tightly and then attempted to jump up to grab the file in his hands with great eagerness. However, in an effort to lightly tease him, the male held it up further, watching as the smaller boy's mood changed entirely. He began to cry a few tears, the older man pausing in concern for him.

However, it seemed it was just a ploy to distract him as the boy used his wings to grab the file. He then began to open it quickly as he hovered in the air, enthusiastic about the papers enveloped in the folder. The person he was chosen to guard was a young girl, even younger than he was, though compared to humans, he did have a higher "life expectancy". He grinned wide, blocking out the talking that the older male did.

Even as the man attempted to pull down on his collar to get his feet back on the ground, the boy's eyes shimmered in hope, giving "oohs" and "aahs". When the other man did finally manage to get his attention, the boy was already glimmering, hovering around without a clue of where he was truly going. However, he did look at him when he squeezed his cheeks together, the boy giving an "umph".

"Easy now, let's focus, huh? I need you to read through the entire document and make a formal request to accompany her starting tomorrow. Can you handle that?"

The male eagerly nodded, quick to grab the folders and go about the responsibility he was given. With the older male to help supervise him, the boy had a recap about the things he was meant to do in order to help the individual he was watching over. He had learned most of it during his years of schooling, but it was always useful to rejog his memory of the information. After all, he would be with her for life, so he didn't want to make any mistakes.

In the morning, the older mentor saw the boy off, showing him how to locate the girl he was destined to assist. The boy was then left on his own, given a friendly smile by his senior as a farewell. Though he was nervous, the platinum-haired boy took a deep breath and then exhaled equally as much air, relieving himself just slightly. He looked up at the house he stood in front of and then made his way inside, hovering over a sleeping form.

Her face was incredibly peaceful, tranquil, and calm. He couldn't help but smile as he sat on the ground, his wings fluttering just slightly, not enough to lift him off the ground. Rather, it made a few breezes that caressed the younger girl's cheek. It was incredibly serene, putting the boy at ease. That being said, he jumped up and shrieked in fear at the sound of an obnoxious alarm. He cowered, not understanding what exactly it was, and wondered if it was some kind of weapon.

However, the (h/c) haired girl reacted as if it were normal, slowly opening her eyes as her hands rubbed at them. She then gave a yawn, the boy's spine straightening in alertness as a huge beam spread across his face. The girl's arm reached to her alarm clock, turning it off and stopping the heinous noise that echoed from it. She then gave a sigh as she stretched her arms behind her back only to stop in the middle of her tracks.

The boy froze, observing the look in her eyes. She stared right at him, and in confusion, the boy began to hover. Yet her eyes followed him. He gave a concerned look before moving left to right, still being watched by the girl. The boy then hovered back to the ground and sat on his knees, tilting his head.

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