M. Noble Demon x F. Maid Reader

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"No, no, no, no, no!"

The shouts of the small child's temper tantrum echoed throughout his room. He kicked his feet in the air, refusing to be dressed by his maids. A scowl was on his face as he shook his head violently, screaming loudly. His maids panicked, attempting to satiate the male before one of the guards heard. If they did, they would have been punished for not tending to the young lord, and that typically meant torture or death.

Yes, the little brat was a noble demon, his father being one of the major generals of the Demon Lord's army. As such, he was given only the finest of things and he took full advantage of it. He threw constant fits, tearing up anything he didn't like. More of a perfectionist himself, he required much the same from his human attendants. His standards were high and he refused to give them the benefit of the doubt when they failed.

"I told you I wanted my good shirt!"

"Young master, this is your good shirt," one of the maids explained, "See? Your father had this made for when you first met the Demon Lord."

"No! I want the (f/c) one with the black fluffy shawl! That's my good shirt! Where's (Y/n)?!"

The attendants looked at one another nervously, not knowing whether or not it was best to tell the truth. That being said, they were well aware the demon child could read their thoughts, and he wouldn't be pleased if they lied to him. Even then, he was scowling at them, taking a break from his temper tantrum to scare them half to death. As such, they bowed to him and gave a sigh, knowing there was little choice in the matter.

"She's doing laundry right now, young master."

"I told you idiots I wanted her to be here when I woke up! Now my whole day is ruined because you're terrible insignificant humans! I'm telling my father!"

The light blue-haired male gave a huff as he opened the door harshly, letting it slam against the wall. It left a large dent. Even if he was a child, he was still a demon and possessed a large amount of power both physically and magically. The maids trembled at the thought of him instructing his father his servants were unfit to live. As such, they began talking amongst themselves to solve the issue before rushing after the child.

"Young master, we'll get her right away! Please remain in your room until then!"

"Hmph," he pouted, "It'll take too long. I'm going myself!"

"A-Ah, but wouldn't you like to wear your good shirt?!" one of the attendants hurriedly spoke, prompting the demon child to stop in his tracks and give a contemplative look, "Yes, that's right! It's her favorite color, isn't it? And I remember her complimenting it. Wouldn't you like to get dressed while we fetch her for you?"

"Well...I guess it wouldn't look good if I found her with pajamas on...Very well! Go get her!"

The maids gave a sigh of relief, ushering the young male back into his room while one rushed to bring the (h/c) haired girl back. He was hardly satisfied with the pace they worked at, but it was better than nothing. The bluenette couldn't calm his excitement. He kept pacing back and forth in his room as he waited for the younger girl to arrive, a stupid smile on his face. She was his playmate, and he was bursting with joy at the day ahead of them.

When the doors to his room opened, his smile widened and his eyes shimmered. Taking another look in the mirror, he nodded his head and slapped his cheeks, attempting to keep himself under control. That being said, when he saw the (h/c) haired girl, he couldn't help but leap on her and hug her tightly, nuzzling his cheek against hers. He giggled uncontrollably, the joy in him bubbling like a fizzing drink.

"Good morning, Sotaro," she blushed, a small shy grin on her features.

The male jumped away, realizing he had been smothering her with affection. He gave a bashful look, his eyes occasionally darting to see her reaction before focusing on the ground again. The male kicked at the ground, appearing as if he felt guilty. However, when he noticed the younger girl looked at him as if she was lonely, he jumped back on her, happy to give her his attention. He even held her hands, pulling her forward further into the room.

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