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chase: i'm not gonna leave. you can let go of me.
*end of recap*

i let go of chases wrist and he walks downstairs, i follow him down the stairs and into the kitchen. he opens the fridge as grabs two waters, he hands one to me and grabs my hand. he leads me back upstairs, he slips his shoes off and lays down on the bed. i look at him.
addison: what are you doing?
chase: come here.

i set my water on the nightstand and get on the bed, i lay next to chase. i put my head on his chest, he wraps his arms around me.
chase: i'm sorry.
addison: i don't like fighting with you. it stresses me out and that's last thing i need right now. i want us to be how we were before.
chase: i know. i don't like fighting with you either. there's just a lot of stuff going on and i'm just upset about a few things.
addison: well tell me what's wrong. i'm always gonna be here for you.
chase: it's stuff you won't understand-
addison: stop saying that chase. you can help me understand. tell me what's going on. this relationship won't work if we don't communicate with each other and i want nothing more than for this relationship to work out.
chase: i'm stressed and i'm scared. i'm scared that we're only eighteen and nineteen and we're about to have our first kid already. that's scary to me and i feel like we are very unprepared for him to come. we don't have the nursery set up or anything like that and i'm scared. i don't want to mess up.
addison: chase i'm scared for that too. i understand what you mean. we're very unprepared and it's a scary situation but as long as we are here for each other and talk to each other then we will be okay and we will get through it. we can go tomorrow and all this week and get stuff we need to have to be prepared for him to come.
chase: he's coming in two months addison. that's only eight weeks and we should be prepared by now and we're not.
addison: it's okay chase. we will prepared for him by the end of this week. i promise. don't stress over it. we have a small bit of time to get everything and we will get it all done. it's scary but it's nothing to stress over.
chase: our whole lives are gonna change in two months though. that's not a long time.
addison: i know. we'll eventually adjust to it though. chase you're gonna be a better dad than you think you will.
chase: how do you know that?
addison: because we've might of had a rough couple months but i know you and i know you love everyone around you and you treat everyone with respect and you're good with kids. have more faith in yourself.

chase's chest slowly rises up and falls back down, he sighs and his grip around me gets tighter.
chase: i love you.
addison: i love you too. 

a couple seconds of silence goes by.
addison: so tell me why you're stressed. you told me why you're scared so tell me why you're stressed. if we continue to have good communication with each other then we will be able to work this out.
chase: i'm scared to tell you why i'm stressed.
addison: why?
chase: because we're finally fixing our issues and communicating and i definitely know this will make it worse and everything that we're fixing is just gonna go back to how it was before we started talking.
addison: chase tell me what you did. i already have a feeling what happened.

my grip loosens around chase.
addison: you cheated, didn't you?
chase: no. not exactly.
addison: what do you mean "not exactly"?
chase: it doesn't count because we weren't together but it didn't end up good.
addison: explain.
chase: about a month after we broke up i went to a party with the guys and i met this girl. i wasn't really even drunk but i was at the same time if that makes sense and i was instantly attracted to her. she had this long gorgeous brown hair with highlights and she had the prettiest blue eyes and i was just very attracted to her.

my heart sinks down to my chest as chase continues to describe her, the way he describes her makes her sound like the perfect girl. i unwrap my arms from him.
chase: anyways me and her went up to a room and one thing led to another and-
addison: you don't have to describe how it went and what
happened. it's obvious.

tears start to prick in my eyes.
chase: well a few days after we got back together she contacted me and told me she was three months pregnant so that would make her six months pregnant now and before you say anything; i know the baby is mine because we took a noninvasive prenatal paternity test and i'm the only guy she has been with in the past few months.

i push chases hands off of me and lift my head off of his chest, i grab my phone and stand up. i walk out of the room.
chase: addi, i'm sorry.

i ignore him and walk down the stairs to the living room, i turn the corner and walk down a few more stairs and walk to the spare bedroom we made into my chill out zone. footsteps start running down the stairs and i walk into the room shutting and locking the door behind me, i lay down on the bed and pull the covers over myself. i turn on my side and rest my arm on my stomach, i start crying. the door handle starts to jiggle.
chase: addi i'm so sorry. please just let me in?
addison: *crying* y-you got someone else pregnant chase.

word count - 1,011

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now