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chase: i love you too.
*end of recap*

he kisses my hand, about an hour goes by and the doctor walks into the room again. he looks at the monitor then looks at me and chase.
dr.maxwell: how are you feeling addison?
addison: i have a cramping sensation and it honestly feels like it's getting more and more painful every ten minutes.
dr.maxwell: well you are at ten centimeters so i will page the nurses and you can start pushing here soon.

i nod my head and a couple of seconds go by, i turn my head and look at chase. he stands up and looks back at me.
chase: i love you. you can do this.
addison: i love you too.

he kisses my forehead and the door opens, tressa and another nurse walk into the room. they start putting on masks and everything.
tressa: okay addi are you ready?
addison: not really. i'm scared.
chase: you'll do amazing. i promise.

tressa smiles.
tressa: okay, we're gonna have you sit up a little bit okay?

i nod my head and sit up, tressa and the other nurse put my feet up on foot pedestal things.
dr.maxwell: okay. on the count of three you can start pushing. got it?

i nod my head once again and she counts to 3, i start pushing. around ten minutes go by.
dr.maxwell: okay he's almost here. one more big push addi.

i push one more time, i hear crying a second later and i relax a little bit. they lay caden on my chest, i let go of chases hand and wrap my arms around caden. me and chase look at him and i smile widely along with chase.
chase: he has your eyes.
addison: he has your nose and mouth i think.

chase grabs his phone and takes a picture of me and caden then another one of all of us, he kisses caden's head along with me.
addison: he's so cute.

tressa grabs caden off of my chest and walks over to the weighing thing, she weighs him and cleans him off while dr.maxwell takes puts the foot things down. i put my legs down and chase bends over end kisses me, i kiss him back back.
chase: you only said two terrible things about me while you were pushing. *laughs*
addison: *laughs* i didn't mean them.
chase: i know.

he smiles and kisses me again, i kiss him back. tressa brings caden back over to us, she hands him to me. chase looks at him with a big smile on his face, i lean my head back and look at chase.
addison: do you think they would bring alec in here?
chase: i'm not sure but we could ask them.

i nod my head and chase walks over to dr.maxwell, a couple of seconds go by and he smiles and he walks back over to me.
chase: she said they can bring him in here. she's going to get him now.

i smile and hand caden to chase, he grabs him and sits in the chair next to the bed. a couple of minutes go by and tressa just finished explaining everything to me and chase, she walks out of the room with the other nurse following her. the door opens again a second later, dr.maxwell walks in holding alec. she hands him to me and i look at him.
addison: he kinda looks like you when you were a baby.
chase: how do you know what i looked like when i was a baby?
addison: your mom showed me pictures when we went up there and we're moving your stuff here.

chase smiles along with me.
dr.maxwell: do you want everyone to come in now or do you want to wait longer?
chase: they can come in now.
dr.maxwell: alright. i'll go get them.

she walks out of the room again, chase stands up and walks over to me.
chase: did you ever think we would have two sons at once?
addison: definitely not but i'll get use to it. i already love them so incredibly much.
chase: they'll be best friends.

i smile, colby walks into the room with everyone following him.
colby: oh my god they're so cute.
addison: chase is holding caden and i have alec.
jake: i didn't know you were having twins.
chase: jake; caden is ours together and addison adopted alec so she didn't birth him. remember the whole thing?
jake: oh yeah. never mind i remember now.

chase hands caden to colby and anthony walks over to me with avani following him.
anthony: they're adorable you guys. you guys will be great parents.

i hand anthony alec and he grabs him.
avani: how old is alec?
addison: three weeks today
anthony: i'm gonna be the best uncle ever.
colby: watch it anthony.
anthony: i'm her best friend.
colby: i'm her brother. *laughs*

anthony laughs and smiles at alec, he hands him to avani. a couple of minutes have gone by and anthony is now holding caden.
anthony: he looks just like you addi.

he smiles at caden along with me.
corey: i never though we'd be in this situation.
addison: neither did i.
sam: who would ever think we'd be in this situation with two babies in the room at once. *laughs*

chase leans his head down and kisses my forehead.
chase: *whispers* wanna practice for a girl when we get home?

i roll my eyes.
addison: *whispers* i don't want anymore for a while.
chase: *whispers* that's why i said practice.

i hit his chest and he stands up, around ten minutes go by and i'm holding caden while chase is holding alec. everyone walks out of the room.
chase: i'm ready for bed.
addison: me too. i'm exhausted.

word count - 972

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now