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chase smiles and kisses my chest, we fall asleep a couple of minutes later.
*end of recap*

i wake up the next morning to chase getting off of the bed, i open my eyes and yawn. he turns around and looks at me.
chase: how'd you sleep?
addison: my back hurts a bit.

chase's eyes go wide.
addison: it's okay chase, the doctor said it would hurt the last few weeks.

he relaxes a little bit.
addison: you know what we need to do?
chase: *sighs* get double of everything?
addison: yeah.

he sighs, i stand up off of the bed and walk over to him. i hug him and he hugs me back.
addison: everything will work out. i love you.
chase: i love you too. i just don't know what to do addi. i'm so fucking stressed. i'm only nineteen and you're only eighteen and we're about to have 2 fucking kids. i need a night out but i don't want to do that and i can't do that because i don't like who i am when i'm drunk and i don't want to leave you alone when you're about to give birth to our son in three fucking weeks.
addison: chase you can go out tonight if you want to and if it will help you with stress. just don't drink a lot. anthony will go with you then me and avani will go do something; okay? and it will be the last time you can go out for a while.
chase: are you sure?
addison: i'm sure. let's go do the adoption thing though and get that out of the way. okay?

chase nods his head and kisses my head, we start getting ready for the day. 3 weeks have gone by and i'm supposed to have caden in 2 days, right now i'm standing in the kitchen grabbing a water from the fridge.
addison: chase!

thuds start running down the stairs, he runs into the kitchen.
chase: what? are you okay? did your water break?
addison: no. you didn't have to run all the way down here. *laughs* i was just gonna ask if the bag is packed for the hospital?
chase: oh. yeah it is.
addison: okay. do you wanna put it in your car do when it's time it's already in there?
chase: yeah. probably a good idea. 

chase walks back upstairs and comes down a few minutes later, he walks out of the house with the bag. i shut the fridge and walk to the living room, i sit down on the couch and chase walks back into the house. jax comes running up from downstairs with a toy in his mouth, he runs out the doggy door and starts barking. chase sits down on the couch next to me and pulls my feet up and lays them across his lap, he starts rubbing my legs.
addison: chase?
chase: yeah?
addison: i'm scared.
chase: for?
addison: when caden is born in two days then when we bring alec home. it's scary. we're gonna have 2 babies. do you think we can actually handle it?
chase: i think that as long as we have each other and we have good communication and are there for each other then we can do it and remember; colby said he would be here to help us if we need help.
addison: i love you.
chase: i love you too.

a couple of minutes go by and jax runs back into the house, he jumps on the couch next to chase. he walks over chase's lap and my legs, he goes to lay on my stomach. chase grabs him and sets him down beside him.
chase: you can lay on mommy's tummy after she has caden.

i smile at chase and he smiles back at me, a couple of hours go by and we're in bed laying down.
chase: i'm glad we finally got that nursery done for the boys.
addison: me too. only took almost five months. *laughs*

chase laughs and pulls my shirt up over my stomach, he rests one of his hands on my stomach.
chase: two more days and we get to meet you caden. mommy and daddy can't even begin to explain how excited we are to meet you. you're gonna have a brother when you get to come home with us. his name is alec. 

i smile and lay my head on chases' chest.
addison: do you think they'll let us finally bring alec home the same day we get to bring caden home?
chase: i hope so. he's looking more healthy everyday.

10 minutes go by of me and chase talking about things, he gets off of the bed and shuts the light off. he walks back over to the bed and lays down next to me, i turn on my side so my back is facing chase. he wraps his arms around me so we're spooning, i fall asleep a few minutes later along with chase. i wake up around 2 am to a cramping feeling in my lower back, i get off of the bed and stand up. when i stand up i feel a shooting pinching pain, i rest one hand on my stomach.
addison: come on caden. not right now buddy. just two more days.

i walk into the bathroom shutting the door behind me, i go to start a bath when water starts dripping down my legs. i get another shooting pain.
addison: chase!

i turn the water off and the bathroom door opens.
chase: *yawns* what?
addison: go get our shoes and the car keys.
chase: what? why?
addison: my water just broke.

chases eyes go wide and he runs downstairs, i walk out of the bathroom and sit down on the bed. chase runs into the room with his shoes on, he helps me put mine on. he grabs our phones and the car keys, we walk out of our room shutting the light off. i follow chase down the stairs and outside, he unlocks his car and opens the passenger side door. i get in and he shuts the door behind me, i start feeling a cramping sensation. chase gets in the car and turns it on, he pulls out of the driveway and grabs his phone. he calls colby and starts driving to the hospital.
chase: take deep breaths.

i nod my head and colby pics up a few rings later.

word count - 1,084

pregnant by chase hudsonWhere stories live. Discover now